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At a friends suggestion I decided to go and start watching Neon Genesis Evangelion.


Just finished the first episode and already I must ask: Why in God's name did the writers decide to center it around a cowardly, whiny, sheltered little brat? I expect someone who's a good protagonist when you spend the entire theme gushing about them, not someone who shirks responsibility at every turn and sees himself as a victim. Already I'm hoping he gets killed so one of the supporting characters who actually seem interesting and likable take over.


And on the note of Shinji, I get a feeling the physical similarities and the fact he has the same voiceactor, since I watched Code Geass first, will have my mind shouting at him to use his Geass and stop


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They're not. But when you spend the OP gushing about all he's going to do I at the very least expect someone who, to use a bad joke, rolled well in one or two stats, not someone as pathetic as this.

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I found NGE a bunch of creepy over-sexualized trashed linked together with nice robot fights.


Gainax's Gurren-Lagann is much more betterer, since it was produced when they weren't all chronically depressed.

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Just for kicks, I borrowed the first book of the NGE manga from the library recently.


Reaction: :huh: :glare: :bored:


Giant robots, inflated expectations, pointless sexual innuendo, and one depressed, angsty little boy.


Although I'm sure it gets better... :unsure: :shrugs:



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The whole idea is that Shinji is your average anime otaku would be like if they were in a mecha anime sort of situation. They wouldn't be all RAWRRRRR HOT BLOODED, they'd spend the entire time whining and being terrified and oggling girls but being too much of a loser to do anything but be a creeper and everything.

Basically You Suck.


Though I give no explanation for what happens later on. I don't know what's up with that either.

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Though I give no explanation for what happens later on. I don't know what's up with that either.

Nobody knows.



I actually found Shinji an enjoyable character. Rather than the standard hot-blooded ace pilot, or a Godmode Sue like Kira Yamato, he's what you'd realistically expect from a semi-average (semi-average because his life before piloting an EVA was pretty bad and gave him more than a few mental problems) teenager being forced to pilot a giant robot (which actually isn't one). He's freaked out. (Which is actually something of a plot point. It's mentioned later on that they need traumatized/messed up kids to pilot the EVAs, for reasons annoying both to them and the viewers)


As to the theme tune, that's part of the deconstructive nature of the series. OPs tend to showcase the hero as determined and ready to go kick some giant robot/alien/whatever butt. So Gainax did that. Then delivered Delicious Angst


I'd recommend watching for more than one episode, though. You learn more why Shinji's the way he is. The "minor characters" who seem more interesting and likeable? They're revealed to be just as screwed up and in some cases, even more unlikeable. (Except for the Bridge Bunnies. They actually make it through without major mental problems)


I'm still sort-of searching for subs of the Rebuild movies online. Supposedly Shinji's tougher in these ones, and actually kicks butt on his own.

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The "minor characters" who seem more interesting and likeable? They're revealed to be just as screwed up and in some cases, even more unlikeable.


... So there are no likable characters? No thanks, I get enough of that IRL. lol



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The "minor characters" who seem more interesting and likeable? They're revealed to be just as screwed up and in some cases, even more unlikeable.


... So there are no likable characters? No thanks, I get enough of that IRL. lol



Pretty much. =D

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Well, when I start something I finish it unless it truly goes to ****, so either this will like you say and I'll start it then, or it won't and I'll watch it afterwords and probably enjoy it more since your recommendations have usually held true for me.

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