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Best Video Game Of 2009: Final Round(and Triumphant Return)

MT Zehvor


First off, I'm back(far quicker than I expected) and so no more supah powahs for Sonu. Sorwy.


Anyways, two things need to be accomplished. First we need to have a 3rd in command vote(which will be up soon) and finally the final round of the best video game of 2009. That's mainly what this is about.


The final matchup is between #1 Modern Warfare 2 and #2 Halo 3: ODST.


Many people were crowning the sixth Call of Duty adventure as the best game of the decade before it even hit stores. And it didn't disappoint many of them, with a revamped multiplayer and a nice storyline(not great, but the gameplay more than makes up for it). The lack of vehicles disappointed some, but Infinity Ward probably made the right choice leaving vehicles out, because it would more than likely turn into a vehicle kills whoever first sort of thing. The levels were also very memorable. I highly doubt anyone is forgetting the airport or the snow level any time soon(at least until MW3 comes out) One thing it definitely did achieve: easiest Call of Duty game ever.


ODST brought Halo back from the horrible memories of a strategy game to the 1st person shooter we all love and know. Even though Master Chief's replenishing shields were gone, the game was relatively easy, but still very fun, especially the flashback parts in general and the banshee level in particular. The ending was epic, as nearly every Halo game is(make that every Halo game), but this one was even more so. It really brought out hate in the players for the Covenant, which had kinda been watered down with the Flood becoming the main villain at the end of Halo 3.


What disappointed about each game:


MW2: WAY too easy, too short, and outside of the snowmobile part, there really isn't any "innovative" part.


ODST: Relatively easy, but Legendary makes up for that. It's also annoying looking for new things to spark flashbacks.


The Rookie: Wait, he's too awesome to have anything disappointing about him.


My vote: Maybe a little surprising, but...


ODST. It isn't so much what MW2 did wrong as it is what Halo did right. Every single flashback level was amazing, the final run on the highway was epic, and the ending is probably on the top 5 that I've seen all time. Amazing game, even more so than MW2.


Everyone VOTE now!


ODST: 1, MW2: 0




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My final vote?


Well, I going to pick Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2, but after you said it was too easy and too short, I kinda changed my mind.


That leaves no choice but to choose Halo 3:ODST.


Though I think there is a way better title out there that deserves to be named Best Video Game Of 2009.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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Borderlands was NOWHERE near as good as either game. It got a freaking 8.5 out of 10 by gamespot. It didn't come CLOSE to getting a playoff spot.



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Borderlands was NOWHERE near as good as either game. It got a freaking 8.5 out of 10 by gamespot. It didn't come CLOSE to getting a playoff spot.



You can't always base the quality of a game by Gamespot's reviews. They are great reviews IMO, but you need to actually play the game to find out what it's really like. I've played many games where I thought the score given should have been different; it's just how different people think. We each have a unique point of view, and my point of view is that, of the two titles currently competing, niether of them deserves to be the game of the year.

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Borderlands was NOWHERE near as good as either game. It got a freaking 8.5 out of 10 by gamespot. It didn't come CLOSE to getting a playoff spot.




Reviews can't really decide how good a game is. The reviewers tend to be biased towards certain series, as GameSpot is to Grand Theft Auto. They gave GTA IV a perfect 10/10 score that it didn't deserve. The only other game this gen that has gotten a 10 from them was Metal Gear Solid 4, a game which was made of 60% cutscenes, and 40% actual gameplay.


GameSpot also redid their reviewing system not too long ago. The scores used to be based on the combination of multiple categories such as graphics and gameplay; now it's just up to the reviewers to give it whatever score they want. Under the old system there would be no way that GTA IV would have gotten a perfect score; there were games from two years earlier with better graphics, and it's not even considered to be the best game in its series by most people.


Then there are times when the same game is rated differently on each system. Dragon Age got a 8.5 on Xbox 360, a 9.0 on PS3, and a 9.5 on PC; The content of the game was the same on each system; the only difference were the graphics of each version, and the PC's menus.

Borderlands only got a .5 less than the two games here, and the same score as Modern Warfare 2 got on PC.


GameSpot classifies anything above 7.0 as good; while 8.0 is great, and 9.0 is Superb. Games as far down as 4 can still be enjoyable, the Star Wars Episode I video game was one of my favorite games ever.


I don't pay much attention to the review systems; I mostly decide what games to get from what I hear from people on websites like BZPower, and I love Star Wars so much that I still got The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, knowing the whole time that it got a 3.5 on GameSpot. I only use GameSpot to get a general idea on a certain game.


Another thing about reviews in general is that they are sometimes bribed by the makers of the game to give it a higher score, it happened with one magazine with Assassin's Creed II, though the magazine rejected the offer in the end.


I'll call it a tie between the two games we're voting for here; MW2 was the better multiplayer, ODST was the better single player.



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I did play Borderlands. I used the gamespot review as a secondary argument.


And IMO, it was neither better than ODST or MW2. AC II was pretty good, but it just got really stupid when he became the prophet or whatever it was.



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how did AC2 not get voted

Cause it got blown out by MW2 last round.


Dutch and Mickey were cool. Romeo was a "cool dude" if you ask me.


ODST 4, MW2 1



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Demonic doesn't really work there...


Dutch and Mickey were cool. Romeo was a "cool dude" if you ask me.

Which is exactly why he was awesome. :P


But IMO Buck was "the best." Although Dutch's thing at the end of Uplift Reserve was win, Buck was able to be smart, but sound completely clueless/hilarious sometimes.


Mickey was kinda portrayed as being the worst out of them, especially during his level. He kinda whined a lot, too, at the end of Kizingo/start of Kikowani.

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I play none of those gams. Partially because I hazez no X-Box. So I can make no comment on them. But I would agree with some other people on here that Borderlands is a good game. Not the best I played (reserve that for the game Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom for some time), but the best shooter I've played. And I generally hate shooters.


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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