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Contests & Creativity



So, I've been thinking about hosting another Blog Contest here since the last one was actually fairly decent and I wanted to know if anyone would participate if I did. :unsure:


Now, if I do end up hosting another Blog Contest, I would have to wait until BrickShelf and/or MajHost go back online (What's the deal with them, anyway? :???: ).


Another thing I've been thinking about; not a complaint or a jeer: Why is it that the "Expanded Multiverse" seems to be lifted higher than "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", in a sense that they get front page coverage, more support, etc. but our group seems somewhat... shunned?

I mean (not to brag), we have a lot of members and the like, and we stay with canon storyline (probably one of our biggest things).


Again, not to discredit the Expanded Multiverse or to insult Bonesii or to brag about our group, I'm just wondering aloud.



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Plain and simply I too believe the Expanded Multiverse gets preferential treatment for the reasons Ballom so succinctly outlined. :shrugs:


Thus if we do not receive the fair shake of a free market system, then we shall have to defeat them with a superior product. ;)


Also, as far as a Blog Contest is concerned, it sounds like just what I need to kickstart my creativity again.


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Well, bonesiii (no capital, FYI) is ... more famous -- for want of a better term -- than you, Ballom, or Toa_Ausar. I mean, bonesiii wrote a bunch of really well-known Epics, and advertizes the EM, so to speak. He writes and get others to write about the Expanded Multiverse, whereas the C.I.R.C.L.E., as far as I know, is just a bunch of regular ol' members voting on whether a Kanohi should be fanon in a WeBlog. It's not really anywhere outside of the little ring of members. For instance, do you try to create publicity and hype over the C.I.R.C.L.E.? If not, the semi-complaints in this Entry and comments are quite misguided.


No offence to you, Toa_Ausar, or Ballom, I'm just trying to explain it without saying that the BZPower Media is being unfair. I hope that this provides an adequate explanation/second opinion.


~ BioGaia

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You know voting isnt all we do, the main part of the C.I.R.C.L.E is actually the storys that we write. The voting is mainly, in my opinion, there just so we dont have, for example, several masks in each others storys that have the same power but under different names as our storys take place in the same universe.



I think the main thing is that the C.I.R.C.L.E is not really advertised. I mean, were not exactly a well known group compared to the expanded universe.



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Don't worry, Zahaku, I totally understand that, but I was trying to make the points that a total outsider would make. A lot of what is done on this world is based off surface appearances, you know. ;) Now, you can compare that to the EM, in which everyone just looks at the basics (e.g., places, currency) and writes an Epic.


I didn't mean, as stated in my last paragraph, to sound rude, but wanted to make it sound somewhat like why other members outside of the C.I.R.C.L.E. may "shun" you (though shun is a strong word).


I agree with you on your last point, Zahaku. If you guys truely want the C.I.R.C.L.E. to become a bigger thing, then you've got to get the word out. Make some sort of "open enrolement," like the EM essentially has, or something. Otherwise, these quasi-complaints seem incredibly misguided.


~ BioGaia

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