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The Pariah Returns



Well, for the time being at least.


So I recently heard about Lego giving Bionicle the the guillotine and I figured it was only fair that I return the the ol' Bionicle stomping grounds to pay everything a more proper farewell. I can't pretend to still be into it, but I grew up with it and it deserves a final salute, you know?


So yeah, I'm back for a little bit. Can't make any promises for how long, but I'll at least stick around long enough to come up with a suitable way to say goodbye to Bionicle and Bzpower.



So hey, hello to all again! I doubt this blog post will provoke much of a response and admittedly I'm not surprised. I vanished off the radar under a rather cocky attitude that left something of a bad impression, so I'd like to apologize for acting like a "Holier-Then-Thou-Art" kind of fool. I won't pretend to say I regret burning down a few bridges because they helped me pull my head out of the clouds, but still. I did grow a little arrogant but I've mellowed out once more.


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The image.


I posted one part, it's only natural that I should post the other part in relevance to another comment.


Then again, I shouldn't rely so heavily on meme humour. Should work on that.

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We're all excited that you're here and you're not acting like a supreme tool.


Good to see you again, even if it is only temporary.



also ffs i thought you were talking to me wrack

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Yeah, I can't see myself hanging around for longer then a few days. I gotta say this place hasn't changed much and admittedly that's not too much of a good thing either. Not nessecarily bad either but sort of a "Meeeh" .

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And we all know that we just can't be talking about dear Ka-Chan or be in his blog without his super-secret love interest. =P



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Hey dude, it's good to see you again... Hey, look, sorry about the Yahoo stuff... It just feels like I'm being ignored when you don't respond... People don't like being ignored... They wanna talk to other people. >>


But meh. Probably ended up accidentally burning the bridge by buzzing too many times. If this is true, then let me hold you no longer.


If this is NOT true, then lemme say that I'm extremely sorry and I wanna make amends. Particularly, stuff that goes in your favor. >>;

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Just to all let you know I'm looking at this comment page like a China Shop Caretaker would after a bull plowed through.


Except for Miku. She's always welcome.




And after saying Miku I almost mechanically coded my text to be teal. Mildly frightened.

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You going to teal would be so pleasing right now.


But not necessary.


Regardless of text colour, it's still nice to see you again.



Besides, you got Wrack and DX in the same blog entry. Surely a little mayhem is expected, no?

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