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The Pariah Returns



Well, for the time being at least.


So I recently heard about Lego giving Bionicle the the guillotine and I figured it was only fair that I return the the ol' Bionicle stomping grounds to pay everything a more proper farewell. I can't pretend to still be into it, but I grew up with it and it deserves a final salute, you know?


So yeah, I'm back for a little bit. Can't make any promises for how long, but I'll at least stick around long enough to come up with a suitable way to say goodbye to Bionicle and Bzpower.



So hey, hello to all again! I doubt this blog post will provoke much of a response and admittedly I'm not surprised. I vanished off the radar under a rather cocky attitude that left something of a bad impression, so I'd like to apologize for acting like a "Holier-Then-Thou-Art" kind of fool. I won't pretend to say I regret burning down a few bridges because they helped me pull my head out of the clouds, but still. I did grow a little arrogant but I've mellowed out once more.


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I find it funny that you're more popular in absence than in presence.

Good to see you back Ka-Chan.


Well hey, look at Elvis!

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