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Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Today, I highly recommend you comment something of interest below, instead of making me do all the work. ( :P ) C'mon, I know you can do it....especially certain ones among you...


Oh yeah, and if you want to tell how tall you are at one point in the comment, it would help my statistics. And it would your comments on-topic, too, which is...a good thing. I suppose.


That, or you could not comment at all.


That's okay, too.









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Well, as for something interesting, did you know that even though someone can be disgruntled, there is no way for them to be gruntled?


As for height, I'm about 167.64 cm (5'6").


I like the metric system...

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If you are in fact taller than me (sans heels) I shall give you a cookie.

I was 5' 7" last I checked.

Oh, I just noticed the sidebar. Yay Star Trek!

The weird thing is that Spock's "analysis" is either copied to or copied from Captain's Glory, perhaps you've read it?


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Hee, I'm taller than all of you. :P


I'm 5' 11". I'm only 14 years old. AMAZING! :o

No, not everyone...you've missed some people...


You're sure taller than I am, though. :P Mom measured me today, and I just discovered I'm even shorter than Akapok Ydal.


I'm not even going to say what my newly discovered height is, for fear of breaking into...I don't know. Yells? Screams? Bouncing on the bed? Heighterophobia? Not to mention I'm seeing visions of members PMing me with, "Hi, five-foot-(blank)!"


But that's beside the point.


Anyways...where was I? The point was---


*Strangles for no explainable reason.*





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I am 5'6". Yeah, I am short for 14 years old. But at less I still got some time to grow, so I may grow more next year, hopefully. *Go back to watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie.* ~J.M.J.~

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You know Turakii, I'm probably shorter than you, at about 4' 9"...........and I'm 13...........yes, I'm short. I'm only taller than 2 or 3 people at my school. XD



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