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Notice Anything Strange?...





Yeeaaaah.... It says that there are 96 total votes, but the votes only add up to 31! :blink:


You see, after Smeagol4 re-opened the polls the other day, I noticed that all of the votes in my poll had been deleted. I have no idea why, but this didn't happen with the other polls. Strange, no? I'm still winning, so I'm not upset about my standings in the contest, but I am annoyed for the sake of the other entrants; Ballom was in the process of catching up with 16 votes (I had 22). I guess it can't be fixed, but I wish something could be done about it...


Thanks for getting the polls back up none-the-less Smeag! ^_^


Good luck to everyone in the contest! :)




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j/k because I know if I don't include this, there will be punishments because this is related to BBC.

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Wait, what? Who's cheating? And did I post an illegal blog entry? :blink:


Ah, I get it now. So, you are posting frowned upon content here in the blogs because you can get away with it? :P



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When I checked all of the polls when they were closed, that poll actually had no votes at all, although the counter was still showing a large number, so it might be a glitch.
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When I checked all of the polls when they were closed, that poll actually had no votes at all, although the counter was still showing a large number, so it might be a glitch.

Yeah, must've been...


Or the majority chose to null.

That would be an amazingly large amount of members nulling, and considering the fact that they didn't null anywhere else I highly doubt it. ;)



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