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I feel all bleh today. Especially in PE, during the entire class I felt like there was something lodged in my throat, and with running for ten minutes then more exercises after that, it makes me light-headed feeling and nauseous. Didn't start feeling weird until after I ran for the ten minutes. It also changed my mood, from like, happy that it was last period, to really aggravated over something I do not know of. It was rather... weird.


But now I feel better, which is good.


Also: Finished Neon Genesis Evangelion, except for one of the movies cuz I can't find it on any site, so I might order it off of Netflix... despite how much I don't like them <<


Also Also: I started doodling again in this sketchpad/book thingy I had last year during art class (I really wish Art had been an elective this year ;-; ). As I went through it, I remembered all of the assignments from last year (duh), but I also found some old character drawings I did of RP-Chars, more to get the robotic/mechanical aspect of things down, which means that it was mainly Bionicle RPG characters (Kri for instance, people who played in NoI would remember her), and some funky helmet thingy I made.


There was also a ship that looked confused as to what it was.


But yeah.


I started to draw up one of the Angels from Evangelion, cuz this one specifically looked cool (The first one encountered in the anime, by the viewer... can't remember its name). I actually like how I shaped it -- looked spot-on, but when I started to fill in details... yeah, that's where I crashed and burned XP


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I remember doing the pacer test in gym a month ago. That was torture, and I was extremely lightheaded after doing my best.


Use reference pic for the Angel. =P


And you must show me your arrrrrrrt. =O

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I wiiill, but I forgot my binder last week (Which has all my art) at school, so I couldn't upload or take pictures or anything, and now my phone has been misplaced and I seem to be really unorganized now that I think about it.
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Also: Finished Neon Genesis Evangelion, except for one of the movies cuz I can't find it on any site, so I might order it off of Netflix... despite how much I don't like them <<

You absolutely must see End of Evangelion, if you haven't already. The other movies basically re-edit this one or the series, so they aren't as important.


Also, lol, I have a T-shirt with the Angel you're talking about. =P

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Also: Finished Neon Genesis Evangelion, except for one of the movies cuz I can't find it on any site, so I might order it off of Netflix... despite how much I don't like them <<

You absolutely must see End of Evangelion, if you haven't already. The other movies basically re-edit this one or the series, so they aren't as important.


Also, lol, I have a T-shirt with the Angel you're talking about. =P


Saw the End of Evangelion, cuz it was one of the only movies I could find. I want to see Death and Rebirth, though.


T-Shirt sounds awesome, btw.

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T-Shirt sounds awesome, btw.

It is, but the type of comments I usually get are "hey, that's a cool penguin skull you have there!" >_<


lol, I can see where they're coming from, though. =P

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