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Something I Noticed



First, did anyone else know that a new all-female element was created? Psionics, which for the unknowledgeable includes telekinesis, telepathy, mind control, and other mental powers.


Anyway, I immediately went to BS01 to investigate. Though I was disappointed to find the page set to the elemental page template, with very little extra information, the images of psionic mask powers made me notice something. Here is an image from the psionics page at BS01:




This is Nuju as a Toa Metru using his Mask of Telekinesis to lift one of the other Toa Metru up. (This image is on the psionics page because the mask power contains a degree of psionic power, the same way Hewkii's Mask of Gravity contains a degree of gravity power.) Note the shape of the affected Toa Metru's legs. Now take a look at this:



This is a Piraka arm piece, introduced in 2006. Legends of Metru Nui was released in 2004. So what do you all think: did the movie makers take inspiration from future sets, or did the set designers, in search of ideas, take this design from the movie?


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Actually, it looks more like a Rahkshi leg, to me. Looks like there are little triangles on the sides.


Also, the pistons are going the wrong way. If the two holes are at the bottom, then the pistons ought to be below them.


They are pretty similar though. The movie team maybe saw some prototypes or something, since I think the set team probably had those parts at least slightly planned out.

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Aaand one point to Cash for catching an error!


I realize the two lack several details required to be identical, I just was noting the strong resemblance.

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