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Bionicle: Then And Now



*resists the urge to edit the album cover for Asia's Then & Now compilation to fit this entry*



"Where wisdom and valor fail, all that remains is faith. And it can overcome all."

— Toa Mata Tahu, Mata Nui Online Game


"What do you have in mind, and does it include explosions?"

— Tahu to Onua, Reign of Shadows

I think y'all catch my drift.


In other news, I am SO PUMPED about the new website I'm doing for work. It looks awesome. 8D


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Pohatu became not hunched, and more beefy than athletic in set form, so in my eyes he is no longer Pohatu.

It didn't bother me, largely because his awkward body structure as a Toa Mata/Nuva had already been ignored in BIONICLE: Mask of Light. If it had been good-looking, understandable, and had existed in all incarnations, I'd have clung to that fervently, but as it is, I felt the new Pohatu paid a decent enough tribute to the old version with his brilliant mask design, clever tools, reverse torso, and muscular build.


I'm trying to figure out how you could call the Rockoh version of Pohatu "beefy" compared to the older one. The older one was chunky and oddly-shaped, with puny arms/shoulders and thick hips, even if the action feature that resulted was kinda neat.


I'm also trying to figure out how you managed to drift towards talking about sets in a blog entry comment thread where sets have not once been mentioned. I liked the Pohatu set, yes, but that has nothing to do with who Pohatu is in-story, and I chose not to bring that up.

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Guest The Captain


You're both a bunch of killjoys.

I'm here for ya. Tahu has betrayed us. ;___;

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Relax Dokuma, I see the problem too; sentence-awesomeness-structure has gone downhill.


It should be: "When blind-rushing and rage fails, all that remains in my repertoire is explosions. And it can overcome all."


We better get to Greg on this straight away!



Someone tell Adam Savage to say this on MythBusters.



I want this to happen.

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Every character seems to feel the need to say something witty or make an awful joke every few lines.


It shows what BIONICLE's target demographic is.

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I stopped paying attention to the story when they went underwater. I take it this was a good idea.

Not IMO. We got some amazing character development for the Toa Mahri in 2007, and the cast of characters in 2008 was truly amazing.


Not much nostalgic value this year, of course. New place, new characters, etc. Only older character is Mata Nui, who practically counts as a new character since we've technically never seen him before in a state of consciousness. But still, I've been happy with where the story has gone. Hopefully 2010 will successfully consolidate the story, since it's been branching off in so many directions as of late. It'd be a nice way to end this chapter of the story by bringing everything back together.

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