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New Cosplay Project

Spoony Bard


Yeah. I have hung up the Cloud suit, and donning a new mantle.


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Balthier shall be my new cosplay.




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Can I have the zanbato?

It is stained with the blood of many fallen warriors, who got in the way. :P


But you must come here to wield it.

But Cloud is still your favorite character, right? ;_;

Of course.

What ever happened to CLoud anyway.

I dunno.

I look forward to seeing you pull off those sideburns. You are not allowed to buy a wig this time. It must be your natural hair.

Sideburns are cake. Mine grow long, so I can trim them down.



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Good luck finding that jacket. Man, that's a lot of detail. Hey, at least you look more like this guy than you resemble Cloud.


I still like .hack character designs better, though. Not that I've played either FF or .hack, of course. :P

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Good luck finding that jacket. Man, that's a lot of detail. Hey, at least you look more like this guy than you resemble Cloud.

I resemble Cloud! :(


Anyways as for the vest, my motive is to get find something close enough (looking at vests in stores), and working off that.



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No, no Balthier at least attempts to look ruggid. Also, his ability to grow some decent facial hair by definition gives him extra manly points.

He also hits on the chicks and parties in the sky.





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A perfect match, then!


jut noticed: your head in your personal pick has the exact same expression and is tilted at the exact same angle as Balthier!

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This guy looks like you, Omi.


~ :kakamanu: ~

I think I should sue Square Enix for taking my sexy, handsome physical features to make an awesome character.



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