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It's Cold Out



Really cold.


Like it hasn't been above freezing in the last few days.


So while plenty of people freak out, I remember other places that are even colder more often... like the EASTERN side of the state. Or Colorado (in the 90s) Or Alaska. Or Titan. Yes, on that moon it gets really cold.




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Blah....apparenlty there was a windchill of -14 degrees this morning in other places like Eastern Oregon. *turns up heater and layers up clothes*



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Being below freezing for a handful of days is "cold?" Come out here and we'll talk after you spend 5 days straight of just above 0* F temperatures with -30 windchills! :D

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In a way, cold is a relative term.


You could be over there, below 0 degrees F, wearing a thick jacket, and be warm.


Or you could be here, with a mere 20 degrees F, wearing a T shirt and jeans and be cold.


You think about tat while I layer up to go outside. (And strangely, my room is actually rather warm, because all university dorms are build like greenhouses... so they're beneficial in the winter but totally saunas in the summer)



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I agree with the Colorado thing. Alas, the weather is rather erratic here.


"If you don't like the weather in Colorado, wait ten minutes."

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