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Stargate Universe, 1/2 Season 1



Does anyone reading my blog watch the show? My parent's are kind of straying from it since it's not like SG-1 or SGA, so I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. (Or I didn't until I found a CCM Freshman who does!)


I want to be like "OMG" and whatnot about each episode and start talking about stuff, but I don't think anyone* here would care.


-CF :kakama:

*Regular readers. Not some random member who saw this blog entry title and decided to come in.


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I've never watched a Stargate show before, but I've been watching this one on Hulu. I'm a few episodes behind, but I've been watching.


(It's not super great, though, to be honest.)

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I watch! Definitely not as good as SG1 or SGA, but I'm sticking around.

Super. After the mid-season finale, I don't think I can wait until March!


I've never watched a Stargate show before, but I've been watching this one on Hulu. I'm a few episodes behind, but I've been watching.


(It's not super great, though, to be honest.)

Mmkay. I guess it's a good thing I haven't posted any spoilers, considering you'd have to read them as a Bloggie...



I'll agree as "not super great" or "as good as [previous Stargates]," but at the same time they were trying to go for something different, and later in the season I think they're getting that Stargate feel back and the last half starting in March sounds promising. But I could do without some of the drama (like the minor things, not the conflicts between Rush and Young) and with some more alien interactions (which the producers said were not going to be rubber-faced humans the first season, so I really want to see what they can do).

But Stargate is all about stepping through that puddle onto another planet, which we need more of.


Oh, you mean that new "Battlestargate Galactica" right? :P


It's just not Stargate anymore.



Ug. I keep seeing these BSG comments and I think "well maybe some of don't watch BSG!" so I don't really care.

And since I can't compare it to BSG, when I first heard about it I thought of Star Trek Voyager.

And I see the difference.



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Ug. I keep seeing these BSG comments and I think "well maybe some of don't watch BSG!" so I don't really care.

And since I can't compare it to BSG, when I first heard about it I thought of Star Trek Voyager.

And I see the difference.

No no no--you're misunderstanding me. I don't watch BSG, but I've seen enough of it to know that the writers of Stargate have obviously looked at the success of BSG as an "adult" show and thought "Hey! that's what we should do!". If you look at the structure of Stargate Universe as it is now, you can see that it is basically an imitation of every other "drama show" that is out there.


Think about it: the extreme focus on a wide set of characters (all of whom happen to have strange, shadowy pasts that are slowly revealed through the conflicts that occur in each rigidly chronological episode), the dark, emotional overall style of directing, the emphasis on complicated "relationships" and "love triangles". It's all more of the same, and it's not what Stargate used to be.


That being said, it doesn't mean I don't watch the series. It's interesting. The cinematography is excellent. The special effects are superb, and, while I don't think the series stays true to what made Stargate "Stargate", so far they've managed to make it a pretty high-caliber sci-fi series.





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Mmkay. I guess it's a good thing I haven't posted any spoilers, considering you'd have to read them as a Bloggie...

Spoilers for television shows don't really bother me. I actively seek out spoilers for a lot of shows I'm really into, the only exception being LOST. And if someone ruins LOST for me, I'll probably do something terrible to them.


And I would definitely read them, because you're in my acronym. Quack quack!

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And I would definitely read them, because you're in my acronym. Quack quack!

I've been staring at that for a few minutes and I still can't figure out what it means...!



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It means he thinks he's a duck or something.


I think of all the shows I'm watching now, the one I find most compelling is Dollhouse (shame that they're canceling it), followed by Castle. I'm looking forward to Burn Notice coming back to, as well as the rest of Supernatural, which is also great.

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I just finished the first season of Dollhouse! I'll be starting the second probably by the end of next week. (Summer Glau!) I also thought, if I read it correctly, that by not filming the first episode (making the second one the first), it pretty much through away an awesome sub-plot. But it is really good, yes.


I want to watch Castle. But I just didn't because of homework. The rest of my friends did though. I did, however, watch the Halloween episode, for his costume at the beginning. (Maybe someday I'll watch some episodes; Fillion is amazing.)


I'm also watching Doctor Who. Oh, and Warehouse 13. Both are creative and simply fun TV. No drama to worry about or arcs to follow.


Hopefully I'll start Andromeda and Farscape eventually.



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I'm not a particularly what you call a "regular" but I think I'll start reading your blog a little more often.


Well, I haven't seen all of the new episodes of SGU but I can tell you of what I have seen. I think this show will go on for a few years but not even close to the original show's ten years. The original series opened up new possibilities. They had thousands of planets to explore each one could be more elaborate or interesting than the next. But with SGU, they are very limited on what they can do. They can only visit a few amounts of planets, those the star drive thing takes them to, and as you said they won't have any "Rubber faced" aliens. So they can't really meet new aliens. And they could possibly meet some ancients (Or stuff left by them) but other than that they have no new ideas unless they can get the ship completely fixed and do some actual exploring, not hanging by a thread.


When I first heard the initial news about them starting SGU I heard that they would be involving the ancients and they would go back in time and do a show about the ancients in their battle with the wraith or something like that. But then I saw a commercial and I saw Eli in a hoodie (Spelling?) and thought "Thats not how ancients dress :( " I was kind of disappointed that they weren't doing one on them.


One thing that I liked about SG1 is the wit and humor. They started doing, in my opinion, some pretty hilarious stuff. And I had so much fun watching the episodes. But I didn't really enjoy watching SGU. I was just thinking right now and I think this would have made an excellent movie. But as a series they're are dragging it on.


Well thats all that I think about the series and I agree with some of the things said so far. I don't think that I'll be watching it at eagerly as I had SG1 and SGA.



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