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Giant Wormhole Opens Above Norway!



This morning in northern Norway, people saw a strange light in the sky which shocked residents and so far, the phenomenon has yet to be explained. This picture was taken from a pier, looking to the east, approximately at 07.50 am local time. "I can imagine that it went on for two, three minutes," said the photographer Jan Petter Jørgensen. "It was unbelievable. I was quite shaken when I saw it."


"It consisted initially of a green beam of light similar in colour to the aurora with a mysterious rotating spiral at one end," said another eyewitness, Nick Banbury of Harstad, quoted on Spaceweather.com. "This spiral then got bigger and bigger until it turned into a huge halo in the sky with the green beam extending down to the earth. According to the press, this could be seen all over northern norway and must therefore have been very high up in the atmosphere to be seen hundreds of km apart."


"[A popular] suggestion at the moment is that it was a rocket shot up by a Russian submarine in the White Sea, but the Russians deny this apparently. A big mystery indeed!"


According to NRK, there were advance warnings about several Russian missile launches from the White Sea from December 7-10, but an anonymous source in the Northern Fleet said they had no information about the incident. Press Attaché from Russia’s Embassy in Oslo, Vladimir Isupov, did not have any immediate information that could explain the light phenomenon over Northern Norway.


Another eyewitness said, "We saw it from the Inner Harbor in Tromsø. It was absolutely fantastic. It almost looked like a rocket that spun around and around, and then went diagonally down the heavens. It looked like the moon was coming over the mountain, but then came something completely different, "said Totto Eriksen.


The Russian rocket theory seems unlikely to me just because it would, in all likelihood, have faded by now if it was. And yes this is serious, I'm not making it up.


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someone doesn't know too much about rocket fuel dumps


obviously the rocket launched was out of control, hence the spiral, so its fuel was drained before it was able to do any damage. the rocket is still swirling around, so as the fuel dumps it follows a spiral that expands as it grows more diffuse. however it's all so high up in the atmosphere that it's frozen, so it hangs around for a while.


look up noctilucent clouds and even NLC rocket trails. same concept. we see them sometimes here from vandebergh.



this happened occasionally, on a smaller scale, in the past.


Factual, but, no offense, a giant wormhole in the sky is much more entertaining. ~ Neccy

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someone doesn't know too much about rocket fuel dumps


obviously the rocket launched was out of control, hence the spiral, so its fuel was drained before it was able to do any damage. the rocket is still swirling around, so as the fuel dumps it follows a spiral that expands as it grows more diffuse. however it's all so high up in the atmosphere that it's frozen, so it hangs around for a while.


look up noctilucent clouds and even NLC rocket trails. same concept. we see them sometimes here from vandebergh.



this happened occasionally, on a smaller scale, in the past.

come on man necro why you gotta come in and ruin it with your irl science knowledge blog editing powers :(

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