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Weekly Update - 12/11

Black Six



Another week done, another update come.



So, as always, I'm a fan of plugging the wonderful RPG Contests going on over in the Bionicle RPG forum. We're giving out prizes this time, so all the more reason to create an awesome entry and submit it.


If you haven't yet, got get the awesome Mata Nui picture by entering an exclusive BIO Code. Remember, Kelly rocks!


Other than that, the holidays have been keeping things busy and news is slow.



I just sent you a mailbag message via the BZPower Complaint Department/Trash Can. What have you to say about that?

I'm glad someone uses it.


1) Welcome, Black Six, how do you do?

2) You do realize where you are right now?

3) How long have you been Admin of BZPower?

4) Interesting, tell me, what is your name?

5) Of course, now, what is your quest??

6) Ah, I see, and, tell me, what is the airspeed velocity of a swallow carrying a coconut???

7) Bah! You have bested me! Prepare to pay!!!

8) Curses, very well, how many fingers am I holding up?

9) HOW??? Fine, What was your first topic on BZPower???

10) Ah, I see we are out of time, thank you for your time.

11) Ah!!! Nektann has attacked!!! What do we do?

1) Fine thanks.

2) I know exactly where I am.

3) A little over four years I think? Too long...

4) Sir Black Six of BZPower.

5) To keep the site up and running.

6) What do you mean, African or European swallow?

7) That's not a question.

8) 7.

9) I'm just like that. This might just be it.

10) You're welcome.

11) Shoot it!


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Time for things to end for the week. Have a good weekend everyone - leave some comments!


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I get the suspicion you didn't have enough questions sent, so you wrote that yourself. If not, that's amazing.


Good update, though. That poor Complaint Department, so underused. But, at least you don't need to go into it often.

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I find it slightly amusing how no one posted in your first topic. =P


Also, whoever shot those paper balls into the trashcan isn't very good. S/He missed a few.



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I get the suspicion you didn't have enough questions sent, so you wrote that yourself. If not, that's amazing.


nope, I sent it, although he cut out my title, "Mission: Mailbag"

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I get the suspicion you didn't have enough questions sent, so you wrote that yourself. If not, that's amazing.


nope, I sent it, although he cut out my title, "Mission: Mailbag"


I had a feeling my stupidity in my questions would turn into some sort of fad. Sorry B6. :(

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