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Sneaking In Food



I fully endorse and do not condemn sneaking in food and soda into movie theaters. (Just don't let me or another employee catch you.)


Also, with any luck I'll have 34 hours this coming workweek.

Better than the 20 from this week.


Also, my theater has stored away behind the lower concession that nobody uses a HHGTTG movie fabric poster that is probably 10' X 6' or something of that size and they probably don't know that it is there.

A friend (not coworker) suggested I just take it out the back door and they'll never know or miss it.

(Maybe on my last day of work?)


Theater check walk throughs for Twilight DO NOT WANT.


Employee screening of Avatar Thursday afternoon, but I'm taking my brother and sister to see A Christmas Carol; but that's OK because I don't feel like socializing with my coworkers at the holiday party and I was going to see it with my friend next week anyway.


Work still sucks, BTW.


Oh, and because it came up elsewhere, I'm not allowed to say the company of my theater because in my contract or whatever I read something about not mentioning it in blogs or social networking sites. Not that any of my managers have access to any of those/these...

(Hint: Not AMC)


-CF :kakama:


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Hmm, that's a strange part of the contract. You'd think they'd want added publicity... unless, of course, you're just going to complain about them. Well, I guess that makes sence...



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And they wouldn't want to be accused of using a website to advertise their business.


You say your job sucks but it sounds pretty good to me. =P

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My mom used to just sneak in paper bags and plastic cups, then order a large drink and large popcorn and emptied both into said containers. Then she'd send someone else out to get refills ;) .


Of course, our movie theater no longer offers refills on drinks and popcorn, so that idea is no longer feasible, but it was a great way at the time to get twice the value for drinks and popcorn.

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I still remember the time when me and two friends were able to sneak almost twenty sodas into a theater. My friend had a trenchcoat. :P



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You say your job sucks but it sounds pretty good to me. =P

It's dirty/oily, unfun, dim, weekend-working and customer-interacting. Granted, most retail is like that, as far as weekends and customers. But I'd love to work at Borders because it's so bright and clean.


My mom used to just sneak in paper bags and plastic cups, then order a large drink and large popcorn and emptied both into said containers. Then she'd send someone else out to get refills ;) .


Of course, our movie theater no longer offers refills on drinks and popcorn, so that idea is no longer feasible, but it was a great way at the time to get twice the value for drinks and popcorn.

Except that for the price of one large drink everyone could have two 12 oz sodas from a 12 pack from a supermarket.


I still remember the time when me and two friends were able to sneak almost twenty sodas into a theater. My friend had a trenchcoat. :P






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I sneak in water bottles due to the fact that 3 dollars is too much. :P


It's $4.50 for a liter at mine, or $4.25 for a 20 oz.


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American movie theaters are crazy that way. Here in Finland, nobody cares if you bring your own snacks and drinks into a movie. :P



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