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Biology Test On The 22nd

Taka Nuvia


life is just so beautiful at the moment. I mean, how wonderful is that? How could I not be lucky in such a wonderful time?



just in case you did not notice: no, I'm not serious 'bout that, yes, I was being sarcastic, and yes, I'm angry with me.


Tomorrow I have the test, and when do I start studying? Today. And then I have to listen to my mum telling me I'm not able to plan such things. No, I'm not, but I know that, okay?


I feel guilty in a way. I mean, what have I done for Bzpower in the last few weeks? Nothing, except for the daily blog update, and my usual going on about how stupid I am, blah blah blah... *sigh* I need holidays :sarcastic:


So, sry for everything, and for nothing at all. v.v


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yo taka is kk


because really, studying and doing good in school is more important


also, good luck on your test B)


also shut up you're not stupid


and just think, i haven't done anything for bzp in the past 5 years =P

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Stop crying, start learning :).


Come on, you're anything but stupid. Though I must admit I'm glad I no longer have biology... my last teacher was a... *tries to think of a polite word, but can't think of one* Just take a look at his website, doormike.de, and you'll probably figure it out for yourself.


Good luck, Taka - as we say in Germany: "Wird schon schiefgehen" ;)



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yo taka is kk


because really, studying and doing good in school is more important


also, good luck on your test B)


also shut up you're not stupid


and just think, i haven't done anything for bzp in the past 5 years =P


See, I keep disappointing myself. I am the one who puts me under pressure. That's kinda self-destructive, and thereofre stupid.


Stop crying, start learning :).


Come on, you're anything but stupid. Though I must admit I'm glad I no longer have biology... my last teacher was a... *tries to think of a polite word, but can't think of one* Just take a look at his website, doormike.de, and you'll probably figure it out for yourself.


Good luck, Taka - as we say in Germany: "Wird schon schiefgehen" ;)



I have... but thanks.


Both of you, thanks

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Everything you're dealing with is out of your hands, so there's no way that any of this is your fault. Really, worrying about school is way better than worrying about BZP. Even if you are eating yourself up on the inside, at least it's over something that matters...


...and, speaking of that; try worry about any of this. You'll do fine on your test (as always), the holidays will come, and everything'll go back to normal.


Hope you feel better. ^^

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