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Avatar= Mind Blown



First, non-spoilers:

Avatar is not a science fiction story. It's science fantasy with action and adventure combined with an epic tale of an alien race and their beautiful world.


I've been anticipating this for quite some time now, and have been reading little bits almost every day for the past few weeks on a geeky website. I was pumped to see this. Consequently, my expectations could have been shattered if it was terrible. Then I read reviews, and James Cameron does not go half-way. He goes over 100%, especially something like this that he's been working on for over 12 years.


The thing that stands out the most is the graphics. He is like George Lucas making Star Wars: he had to make this technology himself to build his dream. And boy was it worth it. This movie would be so different if he decided just to shoot in a rain forest on Earth. No, he had to actually go to Pandora to make it.


Which leads me into another part: the setting. The CGI allows for another whole world to be made. The jungle is rich with plant and animal life almost unlike anything found on Earth. Yes, the trees have leaves, but we don't have inter-cone plants that *shoop* into the ground with a touch, or spiraled, curled things sticking up from the forest floor, etc. Pandora is beautiful.

Along with that, the animals are something else. Six legs! Six! (I think I might want to build a MOC like that.) And it works. Plus, those dragon-like animals are amazing. All the animals, actually. Some are like Earth animals, like horses and dogs, but even then it is not an exact copy (and not just because of the six legs).


And finally, the story. This is why I say "epic." The situations, the characters, everything to make the movie move, or slow down. It was 2 hours 40 minutes, which is not everyone's cup of tea, but if they took out any bit of it some aspect of the story would have been lost. You really are immersed into the planet, the tribe and the characters, and makes you appreciate the storytelling going on.


Final verdict? See it. Preferably in 3D, because it really adds to the feel. (But seeing it in 2D will still give you the beautiful view of Pandora's setting, and the story will still be there.)


-CF :kakama:

I still, however, think Star Trek was the best movie of the year. (As for sci-fi. Avatar might just beat out Terminator: Salvation? IDK.)

Second, spoilers:

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The dragon-like animals are really cool. I wasn't expecting Jake to ride the Last Shadow.

I like how everything on Pandora is connected. Not just through their roots and the "tree of life" (or whatever it is called) but how those hair-fibers allow for connection with almost every animal. When Neytiri connected to the big dog-thing (which I was hoping for after Jake and the Last Shadow), I realized there could be a whole tribe that rides the hammer-head rinos, or something. All they need are the link.


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Guest kopakanuva13


The thing I loved about it, other than the beautiful scenery/effects and characterization of course, was how you literally felt the movie. Subtleties were dealt with so well that even the most trivial of things made you feel. From the moment Jake got strapped into the machine that made his avatar, I really felt everything in the movie... the especially the flying and the simplest of things in the jungle. Overall it was really great, and I pretty much agree with all your opinions on it other than that Star Trek was better :lol:


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I thought the 3D was underdeveloped, but that's just me.


It really -was- an amazing movie, though.

I can't tell, but to me it seemed like either the beginning had more 3D than the rest (to show off the 3Dness), or I got used to it later in the film. I still got sore eyes after the film though and there were moments where I had to force my eyes back into 3Dness, so I'm glad it wasn't developed more than it was.

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I think you/one just got/gets used to it. Let it settle in.




And yeah, some people have a problem with the 3D effect, unfortunately. Headaches are the most common thing cited.



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I enjoyed having a movie that didn't abuse the conceit of 3D. Having crud flying at the screen constantly is irritating to say the least.


I loved the way it was more subtle, things like ashes and dust and leaves being the most prominent.



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While I feel that 3D should also be used for some out-of-screen flying effects, this was amazing due to what you just described.

There was one part I remember towards the end where I was slightly startled because something suddenly became a little closer as it was falling from the top of the screen to the bottom--probably a leaf or ash--and I really liked the 3Dness then.



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Best. Movie. Ever.


I just saw it today, and was amazed, to say the least. It was truly, for lack of fitting words, a beautiful film. There was so much detail, and Pandora never once felt like anything close to Earth. It really felt like an alien planet.


And while it is a long film, it really didn't feel long. It never dragged, and I wasn't bored for one second.


And while Star Trek was indeed awesome, I think Avatar beats it for movie of the year. It was epic.

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I think I can safely say that Sci-Fi was the best genre this year, with Avatar and D-9 being the best examples, amongst other things.


I think my main gripe would have to be not enough human/Na'vi scenes, so I could not for the life of me get a good idea of scale. About the most I got, scale wise was that everything was HUGE.

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