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I Need A Tivo

Kopaka's Ice Engineering



Must Cartoon Network put anime AFTER Futurama/Family Guy? I can't function on 5½ hours of sleep during the week.


At least I'm seeing the end of the GITS:SAC 2nd Gig. When I'm not sleeping through it, that is.



-KIE, who wants Saturday to be the day. Really.


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TiVo rocks. My dad has a TiVo network set up with our computer network, and I can watch and record and all sorts of stuff. And he even uploaded music to the TiVo! Woo! I hope you get a TiVo someday, they're a godsend...
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My problem is I don't know where to go to download this. And isn't it mildly illegal to do such a thing?




Nah, just scowled upon by society. :sly:

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Now you know why I'm up so late :P . Of course, I watch the majority of the shows Cartoon Network shows from 9:30 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. It just depends on the day for me ;) .

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I don't have cable, but I know your pain, why must they put all the good shows at bad times?


It's called Adult Swim for a reason. ;)


KIE, you may be able to get most of the animé on DVD. Just check your local mall for a SunCoast or specialty store. I'd say Tower Records but the poor dudes are closing down. Well, maybe they'll have something available . . .


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Yeah, I'm waiting until after Christmas to head there in earnest: holding out hope that someone picked up on the Outlaw Star hints I dropped around Thanksgiving.


Oh, and I need a DVD player, or a new computer: this one has a CD-RW, and I don't really trust the RW part anyway. It's 5 years old, for crying out loud.



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KIE, I never thought of you as an anime fan.




He is, I was surprised when I found out too. He posted a list in my blog... at least I think it was my blog. I don't remember. :P



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Yeah, I'm waiting until after Christmas to head there in earnest: holding out hope that someone picked up on the Outlaw Star hints I dropped around Thanksgiving.


Oh, and I need a DVD player, or a new computer: this one has a CD-RW, and I don't really trust the RW part anyway. It's 5 years old, for crying out loud.



You watched Outlaw Star? I remember that show. That show rocked. I remember watching it on Toonami when I was younger. Nowadays all the have on Toonami is Pokemon, Naruto, or Zatchbell.

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KIE, I never thought of you as an anime fan.




He is, I was surprised when I found out too. He posted a list in my blog... at least I think it was my blog. I don't remember. :P



Yep, it was Kohaku's blog.




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