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Love Poem

Nuju Metru


When our eyes first met, something sparked,

Because, as I looked into your irises of deep blue-green,

I came to realize that you were special.


When you placed your fingers, petite and elegant, onto mine, electricity shocked me to the core,

Because, through that contact with your small, delicate digits,

I came to realize that there was chemistry.


When I looked at your face, I couldn’t look away,

Because, as my eyes were graced with your visage,

I came to realize that you were adorable.

I came to realize that you were beautiful.


When we hugged, I never wanted to let go,

Because, as we were interlocked,

I came to realize that holding you felt wonderful.


When you smiled or laughed with me, my heart sang an ode to joy,

Because, as we shared in a mirthful moment,

I came to realize that you make me laugh.

I came to realize that making you laugh was important to me.


When I opened myself up to you, I felt like there was nothing I couldn’t tell you,

Because, as you learned who I really was, and respected it,

I came to realize that you understood.


When we chatted for hours, I never wanted to have to say good-bye,

Because, as we exchanged unspoken messages,

I came to realize that you were the highlight of my day.


When I told you I was in love with you, I poured my heart out,

Because, as I professed how I felt, as I revealed what you meant to me,

I came to realize what you meant to me.

I came to realize that you meant everything to me.


When you gently rejected me, I was not saddened,

Because, as you replied to me, I could tell that you were truly sorry.

I came to realize that I was important to you.


When you wrote me a poem, I cried in joy,

Because, as I read the words you had crafted for my benefit,

I came to realize what you thought about me.

I came to realize that you loved me.


When that happened,

I came to realize… more than can be put into words.

I love you.


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