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Homework Rush?



Is anyone else going back to school tomorrow and realizing just how much homework they have?


Because I am. >>


List of things to due

Start my thesis rough draft. (Due Thurs, but come on, eet ees a thesis)

Finish typing up a physics lab (This is actually pretty fun because it's more fooling around in Excel and typing written stuff than actual work)

Finish Jane Eyre (Like 10 chapters =< and might not be due tomorrow)

Work in my BC Calc AP book a bit

Finish Spirit Tracks (okay this isn't homework)

Fall asleep at a reasonable time (I've gotten acustomed to falling asleep at 2 AM over break. I even went to bed at 12 last night and didn't fall asleep unti lafter 1 ffffffuuu I just sat in bed doing nothing.)




Whoa I just realize I'm expecting a little red notification in the corner when someone comments on my blog.


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I have a bunch of Taming of the Shrew short answer questions to do, but those are due Tuesday.

I think.

I hope.



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Just remember to do the more difficult and due earlier in the day assignments first.


All I have left is two physics problems and a project thing due next week I think. ∑:


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Well I've been talking to people and it looks like most of the stuff isn't due tomorrow.


And I just plain old forgot the stuff I needed for it at school. :blush:

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I have to finish this extra-credit assignment for math. You have to design a test (based on your worst subject in math) and solve it. So far I've made the test. Once you hand it in, the mark for that subject is dropped.
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oh wow, that actually kinda sounds fun...


Like compared to my work I mean, yeah not in general..........






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