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*sits Around Doing Nothing Except Saying 'meep'*



Glegh, I'm tired, but the day/night/afternoon/whatever time it is, I haven't taken my meds, is still young.


My mom's making pizza right now... Mmm, I love it when we make pizza.



I really don't like the Comedies forum nowadays, not that I ever really glimpsed at it before. It's tacky. Filled with 'Toa at *insert predictable location here*' and 'McWhatsits' and 'Ask *Insert name of Bionicle character here*' pieces of garbage. Ragh. Comedies should actually be funny. They aren't original, they copy a ton of things making the comedies they originated from lame, they're very disagreeable in general. They go like this:

Toa or some character: *Overused phrase* and ZOMG we *Insert something obscenely idiotic*. Haha. We are funny.

Another character: Yes. We are. Haha. Laugh. *Stupid catchphrase*


Honestly, they're like that, just they try to pose as original and entertaining works of art a lot more. And why is it comedies that don't follow the sort of format above (I mean how it's typed, with stuff like 'Tahu: Bla bla bla' and then it goes down a line to either another 'Tahu: Bla bla bla' sort of sentence or a '*everything explodes*' type sentence) are classified as epics, like Galigee's comedies as an example? It's sad. Comedy should make people laugh, not shudder in revulsion and make themselves think it's funny.


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I agree, ask so and so, and such got old on the 5th one, now we're on what, the 757th?? Why can't there be more originality.

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It entertains the younger kids. Now I can only laugh at other peope, pervy jokes, jokes with swears, Red vs Blue. And 2 comic series in the comic forum.

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Ummm...some of us still try to elevate the art of Bionicle parody (if elevate is even the right word here), but you see, it is hard to see the forest for the trees when some of the best trees keep getting pushed to the rear of the forest by BZPers.

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