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If you have ever or are planning on referring to a chapter of any sort as a "chappie," please, for the sake of keeping BZP sensible, do not. A "chappie" is what a British fellow might refer to a friend (chap) as, if they were inclined to add an "ie" to the title, but it is not what you call a chapter of a story.


You can support the campaign by putting something in your sig. Now go forth and pollinate. :P


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Actually, a real British would never say 'chappie', ever. Anyone who says that would be promptly ran over by a horse cart and burnt to the steak for being convicted of a witch.


Actually, that's what happens in Florida, not Britain. Anyone who says 'chappie' would be smacked round the head with an Argos catalogue.

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Actually, a real British would never say 'chappie', ever. Anyone who says that would be promptly ran over by a horse cart and burnt to the steak for being convicted of a witch.


Actually, that's what happens in Florida, not Britain. Anyone who says 'chappie' would be smacked round the head with an Argos catalogue.

That's why I said "if they were inclined," which apparently they wouldn't be anyway. :P
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Actually, a real British would never say 'chappie', ever. Anyone who says that would be promptly ran over by a horse cart and burnt to the steak for being convicted of a witch.


Actually, that's what happens in Florida, not Britain. Anyone who says 'chappie' would be smacked round the head with an Argos catalogue.

That's why I said "if they were inclined," which apparently they wouldn't be anyway. :P

I was brought up to understand the word 'inclined' to mean 'to dance with kettles'.


Most people think I'm weird. Can't think for the life of me why.

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