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Absence! 0:



For those very few of you who actually read all the random nonsense otherwise known as life issues that are troubling for me that I post here...you may have noticed I haven't been around for a while! Or, you may have not. Well, now you know unless you didn't read this, either.


[/minirant over]


So! It's a new year now, le gasp. 2010 is going to be HUGE, I can feel it! Already, my apparent stock of good Karma has granted me two snow days that would have been my first two days back to school.^^ I've taken advantage of that to start finishing up the last art that was on my pile of "To-do's" that I accumulated over the last months. So, there's now a 10 percent chance I might do some Bionicle-related art in the near future...?xD Who knows, it's a new decade!


I'm currently pursuing the track of "Live for today, plan for tomorrow" and enjoying the silly little things, but also keeping the bigger things in mind. Right now I'm thinking seriously about pursuing a degree in Illustration, so I switched out a class for another drawing class so I can take certain classes next year. Of course, the fact that my soon-to-graduate cute senior percussion buddy is in the class doesn't hurt...^^;


Well, there's more to this story but I'm out of time, so maybe later. Peace!




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I know! 2010 will be awesome. Brickfair...graduation...YOU'RE COMING TO THEM ALL RITE.


I with you on the "live for today thing"; past few years I just get so worked over the stupidest things that don't even happen...so this year I'm gunna be Ms. Happy-go-lucky. Yus.


Goooo you!



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*reads your entries and has noticed your absence* :P


That's awesome that you're seriously thinking into a career like that. I've always ponderethed that as an option, though I think I'll be going with computer tech, as I've already taken classes at Western Tech College.

And...consider yourself lucky to get snow days, I don't being homeschooled. :P

Anyway, hope the year 2010 proves to be a great one for ya, Raia! :D


And yes....disco is still in this year as well..... :P


EDIT: Oh and what's witht he question mark after your religion? Just wondering!!! :o



-Jordboy1 :miru:

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I don't know...2010 doesn't look as good as last year...it's not like Death to Analog is coming out early this year or anything.




I wish I had the guts to actually consider a career in something I find very interesting. I mean, I would LIKE to write graphic novels and stories as a profession, but I don't think I have it in me. At least you do; that's pretty cool.

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I know! 2010 will be awesome. Brickfair...graduation...YOU'RE COMING TO THEM ALL RITE.


I with you on the "live for today thing"; past few years I just get so worked over the stupidest things that don't even happen...so this year I'm gunna be Ms. Happy-go-lucky. Yus.


Goooo you!


YES I MUUUUST. And then you shall come to my graduation next year. Yaay.:3


*already misses Ms. Happy-go-lucky ;_;*


*reads your entries and has noticed your absence* :P


That's awesome that you're seriously thinking into a career like that. I've always ponderethed that as an option, though I think I'll be going with computer tech, as I've already taken classes at Western Tech College.

And...consider yourself lucky to get snow days, I don't being homeschooled. :P

Anyway, hope the year 2010 proves to be a great one for ya, Raia! :D


And yes....disco is still in this year as well..... :P


EDIT: Oh and what's witht he question mark after your religion? Just wondering!!! :o



-Jordboy1 :miru:


Haha, I know you read these Jordboy...you're one among few. But yeah, thanks for always listening.^^ I hope 2010 goes well for you too. Good look with the computer tech thing, computers aren't my shtick so I'm always impressed with people who can grasp such complicated things.


Hm, that's a good question, that. There's a question mark cuz a) I'm thinking the Lutheran style isn't for me, and I might want to try a different church when I'm older and B) cuz I'm a teenager and I have uncertainty just like the next man (woman in this case xP).


I don't know...2010 doesn't look as good as last year...it's not like Death to Analog is coming out early this year or anything.




I wish I had the guts to actually consider a career in something I find very interesting. I mean, I would LIKE to write graphic novels and stories as a profession, but I don't think I have it in me. At least you do; that's pretty cool.




Wellz, if you want to write graphic novels, the best way to find out if you could ever make it is to try doing one for fun (and for SCIENCE) and see how that works out. If it's a huge pain and you don't find any joy in it, then you can move on. And if you haven't already, take some creative writing classes. I did that and it really made me see writing is somethin I want to do in the future. On the other hand, I tried writing on the school newspaper cuz I thought journalism could be a career for me, but I hated it, so I could eliminate that as a career possibility.^^ Be a dreamer, I know you have it in you somewhere! Even if it's veeery deep down.:P


And thanks.:3



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*reads your entries and has noticed your absence* :P


That's awesome that you're seriously thinking into a career like that. I've always ponderethed that as an option, though I think I'll be going with computer tech, as I've already taken classes at Western Tech College.

And...consider yourself lucky to get snow days, I don't being homeschooled. :P

Anyway, hope the year 2010 proves to be a great one for ya, Raia! :D


And yes....disco is still in this year as well..... :P


EDIT: Oh and what's witht he question mark after your religion? Just wondering!!! :o



-Jordboy1 :miru:


Haha, I know you read these Jordboy...you're one among few. But yeah, thanks for always listening.^^ I hope 2010 goes well for you too. Good look with the computer tech thing, computers aren't my shtick so I'm always impressed with people who can grasp such complicated things.


Hm, that's a good question, that. There's a question mark cuz a) I'm thinking the Lutheran style isn't for me, and I might want to try a different church when I'm older and B) cuz I'm a teenager and I have uncertainty just like the next man (woman in this case xP).




That's actually a really good explanation, and was what I assumed, but I have learned not to always assume, so I decided to ask you. :P

Anyway, yeah I know exactly what you mean about that, I've come to believe that I do't need to settle on a denomination, so I've settled on just being called a plain Christian.....just going to my local church of Christ. :P

So yeah, you could say I've finally found where I feel I should go! :o

*discos off to do my schools after giving you random radishes*


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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