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Building Contest: Golden Oldies! ♪♫ [update]



Building Contest: Golden Oldies!

Hello, BZPower! Yes, this is a building contest! Yes, there are cool prizes! No, you do not necessarily have to be someone who owns at building like Darth Vader to win!


The idea is to
build something, anything, that is
directly inspired
by a song which, in your honest, heartfelt opinion, fits the definition of a
"golden oldie."
So not a song from the '00s, not a song from the '90s, but
, I have arbitrarily decided,
any song from before 1990 is fair game. All genres of music are accepted, provided the lyrics are
(Yeah, you can bleep out mild cuss words if you really want to use a song that has them.)

Your creation, however you should choose to present it, should use non-virtual LEGO® parts in some way. If you like, you are free to include other 2-D and/or 3-D media of a
, visual, non-virtual nature (i.e. not audio or video), provided whatever you've done with the LEGO® parts is the key focus of the creation. Creativity is the name of the game. The LEGO® parts do not necessarily have to be of the BIONICLE® variety, but some amount of BIONICLE®-derived content will probably find its way into
most entries. The tried-and-tested traditional method of building, namely connecting LEGO® parts onto LEGO® parts the way Ole Kirk Christiansen intended, will serve you well. Other methods will, however, be given consideration.

As usual,
previously published creations will not qualify for entry.

How to enter:

Take a photo of your entry. Resize it so it doesn't take forever to load! Also, if you want to submit more pictures, edit them into one image file (JPG etc). Host it online at Majhost.com, Brickshelf.com, Flickr, or wherever.

Post a comment below with the following information:

(the name you go by on BZP)

Song name:

(who performed and/or wrote the song)

(when the song was published - circa date for really old songs)

(full lyrics - you can put the lines that are most important to your entry in
text if you wish)

My entry:
(link/URL to the image file)

(optional - explain why you chose that particular song and/or how your entry relates to it)


Entries will be judged based on two criteria: 1. how well they fit the song, and 2. creativity.
, as we
types say, counts for creativity, but so does anything else that demonstrates imaginativity on the part of the builder. Think outside the box. Well, at
think outside the dot.
Please. This isn't the average, everyday hum-drum of the BBC forum, here.
You're allowed, and encouraged, to be original. Take a classic song you love and see what it moves you to make, without preconceptions. Of course, you're still subject to criterion #1, so it's not just "anything goes." We will require that your entry be somehow related to your song, whether it's through a scene, a mood, an object, an idea, or whatever. Abstract symbolism is fine, as long as you make clear how it fits the song.

The contest judges' panel consists of myself,
Little Miss Krahka
, and


What could be more appropriate for a
"Golden Oldies!"
contest on BZPower than... "old gold" BIONICLE® parts? You know, the ones we used to get before that
talentless hack
shiny, warm-hued brute, Brutaka, came along and ruined
BIONICLE® gold forever. (Tongue firmly in cheek there. I like the new gold just as well.)

First place:

  • 1 Kanohi Vahi
  • 1 Knight's Kingdom sword (Danju)
  • 1 Nuva chest armour
  • 2 Nuva shoulder armour
  • 1 Kanohi Hau (Lhikan)
  • 1 Metru chest armour
  • 2 Chronicler's staves
  • 2 Metru feet
  • 2 Metru thigh armour
  • 2 Metru shoulder armour

Second place:

  • 1 Kanohi Vahi
  • 1 Kanohi Kualsi
  • 1 Gahlok-Kal hand shield
  • 1 Rhotuka shield
  • 2 Rhotuka spinners
  • 1 Chronicler's staff
  • 2 Metru feet
  • 2 Metru thigh armour
  • 2 Metru shoulder armour

Third place:

  • 1 Kanohi Vahi
  • 1 Kanohi Pakari (2001)
  • 1 Gahlok-Kal hand shield
  • 1 Rhotuka shield
  • 2 Rhotuka spinners
  • 1 Chronicler's staff
  • 2 Metru shoulder armour

The above prizes will go out physically to the winners, while here in virtual-land, they will receive the usual spiffy victory banners.

Anyone who wishes to donate additional prizes is, of course, welcome to do so, and their contribution will surely be appreciated by the lucky winners.

Contest period:

Entries begin being accepted as of now, January 9th, and will continue to be accepted until
April 1st
. Don't delay, start procrastinating now!

UPDATE: See Model Gal's Miniland Elvis for one example of a MOC that would be appropriate (and a good contender!) for this contest. In the case of MOCing a singer or band member(s), you would just need to relate the MOC to a song they did before 1990, and you'd be good to go.

UPDATE 2: Contest deadline extended to April 1st. :D

UPDATE 3: There is at least one person out there still finishing up a last-minute entry. If anyone else is still entering, PM me and I'll wait for yours as well.



Recommended Comments

Can it not be a MOC?

The centerpiece of your entry should be composed mainly of LEGO parts. What you do with them is pretty open. If you wanna do something unorthodox, then go right ahead, but keep in mind the criteria for judging.



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Are we allowed to use songs that do not have lyrics?

Well, that potentially gets into the difficult territory of highly abstract and subjective interpretation... but I'm up to the challenge if you are. I would simply ask you to keep in mind the second criterion: how well your creation fits the chosen piece of music. You would be required to demonstrate what the connection is.



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Name: Disty

Song Name: Under Pressure

Artist: Queen and David Bowie

Lyrics: Oh, if you insist. I'm copypasting them though.


Pressure pushing down on me

Pressing down on you no man ask for

Under pressure - that burns a building down

Splits a family in two

Puts people on streets

Um ba ba be

Um ba ba be

De day da

Ee day da - that's o.k.

It's the terror of knowing

What the world is about

Watching some good friends

Screaming 'Let me out'

Pray tomorrow - gets me higher

Pressure on people - people on streets

Day day de mm hm

Da da da ba ba


Chippin' around - kick my brains around the floor

These are the days it never rains but it pours

Ee do ba be

Ee da ba ba ba

Um bo bo

Be lap

People on streets - ee da de da de

People on streets - ee da de da de da de da

It's the terror of knowing

What this world is about

Watching some good friends

Screaming 'Let me out'

Pray tomorrow - gets me higher high high

Pressure on people - people on streets

Turned away from it all like a blind man

Sat on a fence but it don't work

Keep coming up with love

but it's so slashed and torn

Why - why - why ?

Love love love love love

Insanity laughs under pressure we're cracking

Can't we give ourselves one more chance

Why can't we give love that one more chance

Why can't we give love give love give love give love

give love give love give love give love give love

'Cause love's such an old fashioned word

And love dares you to care for

The people on the edge of the night

And loves dares you to change our way of

Caring about ourselves

This is our last dance

This is ourselves

Under pressure

Under pressure



Entry Pic:

Reddish one

Plain one

Choose whichever one you want, Beece. I think they're both equally ugly. :P

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Thanks for entering, Disty! :D


If nobody else enters, guess who's gonna win first, second, and third place? :P



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Thanks for entering, Disty! :D


If nobody else enters, guess who's gonna win first, second, and third place? :P



Lol, well Dablackcat asked me about the contest, so maybe he'll enter, who knows?

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Name: Primus

Song: The Call of Ktulu

Artist: Metallica

Lyrics: N/A, as it is an instrumental piece.


Entry pic:



(image links to larger image).


This MOC is directly inspired by the song "The Call of Ktulu" as this MOC portrays the song's subject (Ktulu or Cthulhu). Even though the song has no lyrics, it is still a song that is about H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu.

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Great, Primus. I notice this is in keeping with your recent submarine-themed series of MOCs. :psychotwitch: You forgot to list the year the song was published, but that's OK, I looked it up. Same year I was born, as it happens. ^_^



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Well, I just finished building my moc, after taking forever to decide what song I wanted. But there's no way I'm beating the two prievous entries.


And I really wanted that nuva chest plate and shoulders. ;__;



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Well, I just finished building my moc, after taking forever to decide what song I wanted. But there's no way I'm beating the two prievous entries.


And I really wanted that nuva chest plate and shoulders. ;__;



No worries. Set up some fun, creative photos and give it your best shot. :)



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Name: Veq

Song name: Englishman in New York

Artist: Sting

Year: 1987


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
I don't drink coffee I take tea my dear

I like my toast done on the side

And you can hear it in my accent when I talk

I'm an Englishman in New York


See me walking down Fifth Avenue

A walking cane here at my side

I take it everywhere I walk

I'm an Englishman in New York


I'm an alien

I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York

I'm an alien

I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York


If "manners maketh man" as someone said

Then he's the hero of the day

It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile

Be yourself no matter what they say


I'm an alien

I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York

I'm an alien

I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York


Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety

You could end up as the only one

Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this society

At night a candle's brighter than the sun


Takes more than combat gear to make a man

Takes more than license for a gun

Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can

A gentleman will walk but never run


If "manners maketh man" as someone said

Then he's the hero of the day

It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile

Be yourself no matter what they say


I'm an alien

I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York

I'm an alien

I'm a legal alien

I'm an Englishman in New York

My entry: Here.

Notes: Well, it was the only cool song I knew from before the 90's. I think it's about the sterotypical englishman, so I think I did that.

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Name: Ultimate Kardas/UK

Song name: What a Wonderful World

Artist: Louis Armstrong

Year: 1968


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

I see trees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world


I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world


The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky

Are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shakin' hands, sayin' "How do you do?"

They're really saying "I love you"


I hear babies cryin', I watch them grow

They'll learn much more than I'll ever know

And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

Yes, I think to myself, what a wonderful world


Oh yeah

My entry: Linked for size

Notes: Well, the first thing that popped into my mind when I thought of this song was butterflies and flowers. (And also the Disney movie the fox and the hound =P) And I think they fit the song very well.



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is 1990 okay? i'm thinking particle man.

No, I specifically chose 1990 as the cutoff. Gotta be from before then, so sorry, no Particle Man.



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Name: Christo1096-TheIceBreaker

Song name: Madhouse

Artist: Anthrax

Year: 1985


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

White coats to bind me, out of control

I live alone inside my mind

World of confusion, air filled with noise

Who says that my life's such a crime?


Reff :

Tapped, in this nightmare

I wish I'd wake

As my whole life begins to shake

four walls surround me

an empty gaze

I can't find my way out of this maze


Cause I don't care

Fall in, fall out

Gone without a doubt, help me

I can't take the blame

They don't feel the shame


It's a madhouse

Or so they claim

It's a madhouse

Oh, am I insane?


My fears behind me, what can I do

My dreams haunt my sleep at night

Oh no, won't learn their lesson, white fills my eyes

And only then they see the light


Back to reff

My entry: This one - Gallery

Notes: Yeah, I just make the real Madhouse, and this MOC is like in the lyric, like "White coats to bind me" , "four walls surround me" , "My fears behind me" . and I just add a main character for this MOC : a black shirt man . yeah that's all of this MOC :)

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Is there any issue if lyrics are a bit political?

If the song is clearly NSFBZP, I can't allow it. But as long as it's not blatantly inflammatory or provocative, I don't see a problem with it. Some of the best music has been political on some level. Disty's song choice would be an example of that, IMO.


Since these are songs from before 1990, it's unlikely that you'd find one too overtly/specifically related to current politics, anyway. :)



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Is there any issue if lyrics are a bit political?

If the song is clearly NSFBZP, I can't allow it. But as long as it's not blatantly inflammatory or provocative, I don't see a problem with it. Some of the best music has been political on some level. Disty's song choice would be an example of that, IMO.


Since these are songs from before 1990, it's unlikely that you'd find one too overtly/specifically related to current politics, anyway. :)



The song I'm thinking about has to do with the Vietnam War and governments lying and such. Too iffy?

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Is there any issue if lyrics are a bit political?

If the song is clearly NSFBZP, I can't allow it. But as long as it's not blatantly inflammatory or provocative, I don't see a problem with it. Some of the best music has been political on some level. Disty's song choice would be an example of that, IMO.


Since these are songs from before 1990, it's unlikely that you'd find one too overtly/specifically related to current politics, anyway. :)



The song I'm thinking about has to do with the Vietnam War and governments lying and such. Too iffy?

I hardly think it likely that the Vietnam War in itself would stir up much controversy on this site unless the issue were forced (ie. successful trollin'). Political discussion is something we want to avoid on BZP, but simply posting a song with a political message from a bygone era shouldn't be a problem. That sort of thing only becomes a problem if we make it into a problem, know what I mean?



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Is there any issue if lyrics are a bit political?

If the song is clearly NSFBZP, I can't allow it. But as long as it's not blatantly inflammatory or provocative, I don't see a problem with it. Some of the best music has been political on some level. Disty's song choice would be an example of that, IMO.


Since these are songs from before 1990, it's unlikely that you'd find one too overtly/specifically related to current politics, anyway. :)



The song I'm thinking about has to do with the Vietnam War and governments lying and such. Too iffy?

I hardly think it likely that the Vietnam War in itself would stir up much controversy on this site unless the issue were forced (ie. successful trollin'). Political discussion is something we want to avoid on BZP, but simply posting a song with a political message from a bygone era shouldn't be a problem. That sort of thing only becomes a problem if we make it into a problem, know what I mean?



Ah, ok. thanks.


*runs off and scrambles to finish MOC*


I did what you said I should...procrastinate! (:P)

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The contest closes in just a bit. I'll start the judging process after the Easter long weekend.



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