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My First Rant!



Rant on One Dimensional Chars in RPGs


So I’m like really bored and I haven’t been using my blog. I was browsing the internet and ran across the really cool Fantasy rants. It gave me an idea. Why don’t I rant about things? I’m pretty sure nobody cares, but hey. I’ve got nothing else to do with this blog.


1. Why one dimensional character is bad. Simple. Just like how I described that in one word, a one dimensional character can be described easily with just one word. A character shouldn’t be able to be described in word like a bad guy who can be summed up by saying evil or dastardly. If your char can be described in just one word, then you have serious problems. A character is more then just a trait given life. It is your duty as a write to flesh the character out, give him more traits that clash with his. Nobody has a main trait. Their personality is built out of many traits working together.


I’m not saying that I’m an expert on this, but I do know a lot about it. How? Simply because I’ve created a lot of one dimensional characters. Recently, people have been telling me that my new characters are a lot more interesting, mainly because their not one dimensional.


2. They don’t get more dimensions. I hate when characters don’t change, but I especially hate a one dimensional char who keeps one dimension. No matter what they go through, that one trait never evolves or changes. This is ridiculous in stories, but even more ridiculous and stupid in RPGs. When a character interacts with others they automatically change views and understand things more. Just like in real life when you meet new friends and learn interesting things from them. This is part of character development, which is essential IMO to become not only an excellent RPer, but a good writer.


Just like the previous part, I have the same problem as well. Although I am better at character development and exploring a character more, I still create characters like this. It’s not necessarily bad though. Some characters are pure fun, like Flavor Dingo. He is a pink Rahkshi and probably won’t be given a complex history or anything. However, I even explore his ridiculous thoughts and reactions.


Relatively short rant, so sorry if you guys want more. I hope to get better at this as I go along. However, I do hope these little tidbits helped. :)



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I describe Grokk in one word - "Crazy..."




We all know he is much deeper though.









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