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Nuju Metru


How the minutes pass.

How the clock ticks,

How the hands click and swing.

Time is an unstoppable force.

Time is an undying watcher.

Time can wait for me; Time can wait for you,

Because Time has all the time in the world.


What you mean to me, I cannot express

Not even through a poem like this

Not even through infinite poems like this.


But Time is biased.

It moves as it wishes, fast and slow

Always the best to torment you.

When I am with you, Time whistles by

So fast, too fast.

When we are apart, Time inches its way

Slower than imaginable.

Days seem eons.

Eons of pain, for I am separated from you.


I think that Time is jealous

Of you and me.

Why else would it move in ways

That seems to be conspired against us?

Then again, if Time is envious

Well, I can understand.

Nobody wouldn’t covet what I have in you.

You give me all that I could ever want,

You touch me as I have never been touched.


What you mean to me, I cannot express

Not even through a poem like this

Not even through infinite poems like this.



There are none to rival you in my heart.

They say that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,

To which I agree. But were the rose to be named


Then it would smell to me sweeter.


Naturally, I go to that tale of two lovers

Of Juliet, and her Romeo,

To find an analogy through which I can explain what I feel.



What you mean to me, I cannot express

Not even through a poem like this

Not even through infinite poems like this.


Sailors at sea

Will sometimes find that there is no more water,

No more food.

Without nourishment, these sailors die.


See, I could never be a sailor.

I’d starve long before the food ran out,

I’d dehydrate before the water was gone.

Because your company is my food,

Your kisses my water.

I need them as much,

I need them more,

Than those other necessities.


What you mean to me, I cannot express

Not even through a poem like this

Not even through infinite poems like this.

Because my love for you is undying.

My love for you is never crying.

My love for you is absolute.

My love for you is resolute.


Even unswayable Time would be jealous of that.


Left out her name for confidentiality's sake. But yeah.


-Nuju Metru


Recommended Comments

You should be a professional poet. This is really good.


Mayyyyybe... :P


Good Sir, methinks, ye may be a man of Bill Shakespeare's kind. ^^


That is a great poem.


Thanks, man. ^_^


-Nuju Metru

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