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Rubik's Cube Update



Done it a few times (though admittedly never completely w/o an aid, but I'm getting better at figuring out why things work the way they do)* and even made the center color different than the one around it.


It's cool. I keep wanting to pick it up again, mix it, and try to figure out a little bit more. (But alas, homework looms.)


-CF :kakama:


*(or just straight memorizing?)


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It takes muscle memory. I memorized the steps for a while, ran the letters through my head, and now my hands can just solve one without even thinking much.


It takes time, either way.

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Yeah, after a while it becomes second nature. I have one sitting on my desk that I do from time to time to keep my hands busy. I need to pick up a Professor's Cube at some point just for the slightly added challenge.

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hmm I have to say, this is what my friend said when we discussing Rubik's Cubes:


"Man. I can get a few sides, I once got 5 sides but I couldn't get the last one" I just busted out laughing.


But keep at it. As Black Six it does become second nature. I don't even think of the algorithms any more, I just do them.


If you ever get some good times you should post them (Good time equals anything less than 30 minutes)


And I need to learn how to do my bro's professor's cube, if he ever lets me touch it :P

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So...I've memorized the steps and have completed the cube without looking now. It takes...a few minutes, but I have not felt like timing myself.


I especially like then making all the center colors different.



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