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Weekly Update - 1/15

Black Six



I could have watched Doctor Who all night, but I figured you guys were probably looking forward to a Weekly Update. Or if you weren't looking forward to it, you were at least expecting it to appear so you could laugh at it behind my back.



I wish something exciting had happened this week. Oh well.


BZPower received exclusive permission to host Glatorian Arena 3 on our site. Big thanks to Kelly (Binkmeister) for hooking us up, even though we all know he hates us Mac users. I kid. (But a working Mac version would be nice.) It's interesting that LEGO would pay to have this made but then never use it on Bionicle.com - I'm guessing the whole cancellation-thing threw a monkey wrench into their plans.


On the general LEGO front, everyone's favorite company launched their Click Campaign, which seems like a rather silly marketing strategy. The video on their site is pretty impressive though.


Speaking of online presences, the new Bionicle.com launched this week too. I really like the design (good job Kelly!) and look forward to hearing Worf Mata Nui regale us with some ancient history and current events.


Of course the biggest news this week was the first official Hero Factory information and pictures. I think the react to the sets has been pretty positive, whereas the names and the story have received a much more mixed bag of responses. I'll reserve my judgment until ToyFair, seeing as it's less than a month away! I'm pretty sure there's gonna be some more Hero Factory sets revealed then too. So keep your eyes peeled for that!


In BZPower news, it looks like there's going to be some staff shakeups coming up. Details are still in the works, but you may find yourself randomly contacted with an offer to get on the staff. (Because that's how we pick the staff - randomly.)



No questions? No problem!


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



I think that was plenty for this week. Feedback and questions are always welcome. Have a great weekend everyone!


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(Because that's how we pick the staff - randomly.)



Man, Toyfair IS soon, innit? Looking forward to that...

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you may find yourself randomly contacted with an offer to get on the staff.


I will laugh so hard if I get contacted.


No joke.

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The 40,000 sided staff selection dice really exists? I thought it was a myth, like the Great Pumpkin.


The Great Pumpkin Exists! I was there! I've seen it!



It made a great pumpkin pie...

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"Staff shakeups." You have got to stop playing Promotion Jenga before someone gets hurt.


Good old magic hat, you never let us down. Okay, magic hats and Fikou. :D


Yep, that's right, I'm coming back. Surprise.


But seriously, I'm sure whomever you choose to do whatever will do fine once the initial shock wears off, but as always I'm secretly hoping they won't. :P


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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Oh good, I was worried your judgement was corrupted when you selected me, glad to know it was just an act of probability. :)


And make sure to bring a good camera to Toy Fair... I WANT PICTS! (Of the sets) :drool:



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But I always thought you consulted Hapori Tohu! :o


Does he not get a say on who is promoted?

He used too, but, well... It's just that he always says "Hapori Tohu is pleased." :notsure:

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But seriously. I want a Staff Job so freaking baaaaad.
This is a terrible way to get it. Begging for this kind of job will not result in getting one; there's a lot of responsibility involved, and you have to display some maturity (not that you are not allowed to have fun). An online moderating job is not the same as a paying job; you can't just walk in (metaphorically) and ask to be hired because it doesn't work that way.


Since you may never meet in person, the people in charge have to see your willingness to work without necessarily trying to draw attention to yourself. That's why sometimes people few others have heard of become part of the staff, because it's not about attention seekers or popularity. Being part of the staff is more than just wearing a title, so to speak. It takes a lot of time and dedication.


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM


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It's not a bad entry, but to be honest I'd have preferred it if you'd just watched Doctor Who all night. :P I always support that sort of thing.


Out of nerdy interest - which episodes were you watching?


I'm beginning to notice that everything I ever say to you is Doctor Who related. I do apologize....


You watched any Torchwood? :P


- Tilius

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I was going old-school - I watched 'The Daleks' serial from the first Doctor days.


Unfortunately I've never seen Torchwood as its never been really readily available in the States and the box sets are so expensive.

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Ah, I see. Yeah I wouldn't recommend paying money for it, to be honest. :P It's still alright though. If you get a chance to see the Children of Earth five parter I'd definitely recommend it. I don't think you need too much of an understanding of the previous story to enjoy it, so it's well worth a look.


And you out-perform me on Classic Who. I admit, I've barely seen any. A magazine here in the UK is giving a free Classic story DVD with each issue, so I'll probably get a few of them of give them a watch.


- Tilius

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