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Ten Things I Hate About You



I really do not understand that movie. And it was my first time watching it, because my three roommates were all "What?! You HAVEN'T seen this movie??? Ok, now we have to watch it" and I'm like "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh......k".


Then again, I had the same reaction when I watched Clueless this past December. That entire movie made no sense to me either. I swear, did this extreme lack of these style of 90s and early 2000s movies just make it so when I finally do get around to watching them, I'm just like "these are some of the strangest movies I've ever seen and it makes no sense", while the rest of the world just sort of gasps in horror at the prospect of someone not liking these movies?


But, I laughed so hard at their depiction of Seattle/Tacoma in Ten Things I Hate About You, and the fact that they made it look like it's sunny and warm there all the time. And, the fact that it's so sunny that it makes everything appear super saturated so the grass pretty much looked like it was borderline radioactive or something. I wonder how many people saw that movie, and thought "Hey, Seattle looks like a great place to live! So much sun all the time! And people go and use pedal boats in the ocean there! How quaint!" only to get there and find torrential pouring rains for most of it.


Oh, and Conan O'Brien put up his late-night show for sale. Who wants to pitch in and buy it? Or maybe we could offer him a trade....maybe MOC him as a really epic Bionicle or something. Or Coldplay tickets. He did say he would trade his show for Coldplay tickets. Hmm....


And that guy continues to text me and even went and was chatting with me online and was like "Well, I'll text you tomorrow to see what you're up to!! We should totally watch the Harry Potter movies!!" even though I stated quite plainly that this three-day weekend is dedicated to me trying to catch up on homework and work on midterm projects when we're just starting to go into the third week of term, and please really stop texting me to see how I'm doing at every single blinking moment of the day when I've already told you that I have a really limited texting plan.


I really should go talk to him but it's just like, blah. I'm starting to notice that I can go and completely defend myself if someone gives me reason to, but other times I just freeze up. It's kind of annoying....


(and 201 days until BrickFair!!)


You still have his Harry Potter movies. He's not getting them back either.-FN


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Saw the movie once ^^ Singing Sinatra chased by the cops was awesome!

The only thing I remember about Seattle is the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" though...and it looked kind of rainy *shrug*


Dang, now I wanna find the song they're playing in the last scene on the schools rooftop...


About the admirer-problem though, talking to him probably is the best idea since ignoring would make it worse. Now I just hope he's somebody who isn't ignorant and understands that you're not interested.


I"ve never seen Sleepless in Seattle, but it looks a bit too chick-flick-esque. Oh and the song the band on the roof (Letters to Cleo) is their cover of Cheap Trick's "I Want You To Want Me".



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I'm still wondering how you're going to get us to watch Wall-E at BrickFair. :P


I have my ways....mainly making all of you sit down and watch it. :P


But, EW actually saw it, so I guess he's exempt now.



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That limited texting plan seems like a great way to really tell him to stop texting you, subtly.

(And drive the other point with your homework needs? Looks like you're covered for getting away from him for a while. Ha!)



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