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Love For Sale?

Taka Nuvia


... a new illustration for our school's students' magazine.




It was made for an article about Valentine's day and how people spend money (sometimes a bit too much).

Lineart was made with ink on paper, shading and after-editing done with photoshop. Hope you like it, and I'd be grateful for any critism - I'm still not good enough when it comes to drawing males. =J




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That´s really, really good, you know. It´s 'simplicity gone detailed'. ;)


I can as well start where you asked for opinions - drawing males. However, I´ll have to start by saying that I have nothing to say. I admit that the proportions are a bit female-ish (can´t tell just how, though), but for a matter such as romance (which most oftenly would include both genders) it´s probably best to have a bit of both sides included.


I can´t help noticing three things; the first being how the box isn´t strictly following the lines you might´ve wanted them to. It kinda changes the perspective compared to the Amor. (Can you say 'An Amor'? Is there supposed to be more than one?)


The second thing is nothing at all; only the fact that all his toes are the same size.


The third thing is purely praise - the hair and the wings. Both of those things are so wonderfully real, but does still hold that certain artistic feeling that a photograph cannot have. I know, they´re both things you´ve practiced a lot, so that´s probably why.


EDIT: When did you get a signoff? :)


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Dang, Cupid is making some serious cash..


Very nice, I like it. Valentines Day is not about the moneys, but the moneys help. I think.

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