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Firefox 3.6



Hurry up AnyColor, update to be compatible with it.

I miss yooouuuu

This new theme system just doesn't cut it.




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Dude I just downloaded FF 3.6


I <3 it so much


also I have a theme too, it's Kanaria from Rozen Maiden


the Suigintou one didn't look right for some reason

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It's Black Stratini.

Ooo, that's nice. *uses it >_>*

thank ya kind sir


I have IE8.


I don't need fancy CSS. People worked hard to design their own for the websites. :P

IE8 is ugly >_>

and I need my FF add-ons


also I have a theme too, it's Kanaria from Rozen Maiden


the Suigintou one didn't look right for some reason

i have no idea what any of that is B)



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Fact: Majority of BS01 users use IE.


Majority of them use IE8 :P


Plus, it's much more secure than open source programming.

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Fact: Majority of BS01 users use IE.


Majority of them use IE8 :P


Plus, it's much more secure than open source programming.

Plus, it's sucks. The computers at my school use IE, which use Bing. Yuck.


If feel like it, I'll download FF.

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Fact: Majority of BS01 users use IE.


Majority of them use IE8 :P


Plus, it's much more secure than open source programming.

That's why IE was the browser that had the flaw that allowed GMail accounts to be hacked by China, right? ;)


Just downloaded Firefox 3.6 and got my theme all set up. Rocking Strata40 with tabs up above.

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Fact: Majority of BS01 users use IE.


Majority of them use IE8 :P


Plus, it's much more secure than open source programming.

Majority of people use IE simply because most don't know anything better exists.


Closed source may be more secure, but IE still has had far more security flaws than Firefox, and they've taken far longer to be patched after discovery.

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Just downloaded Firefox 3.6 and got my theme all set up. Rocking Strata40 with tabs up above.



I remember hearing about a theme mimicking the FF4 mock-ups, but completely forgot to look for it.

*switches to this*




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You mean Personas?


I have no idea why but I just can't get the darn pics to fit on my screen. they're all too huge. ;_;

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