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Random Bzper Of The Week #171: Alphabetised!



OK, that's sad. Nothing has happened in the last seven days, so it's two RBZPotW entries in a row. That's terrible, I really need to go and do some things. Anyway, here's the first of the second wave of Alphabetsied RBZPotWs, and what better way than to start with the last letter I did last time? Here goes!


fightbox1 has 263 posts (no star rating, no profile views) and joined BZPower 30-November 04. They have a preset brown Nuva Cube avatar (seriously, couldn't it have been white, or grey, or SILVER), likes Nickelodeon and Power Rangers, among things, and claims to be the M.U.R. of Lightning, whatever that means.

They last visited on the 20th of October 2006. Oh joy.

At least this person has interests, the banner can be somewhat interesting, I guess.


BZP Member List Trivia: There are (at the time of writing) 220 members starting with F that have more than 10 posts. Of those, only 164 have been active since I've joined BZPower. Another 647 have less than 10 posts. That is a total increase of 93 members since the 15th of August 2008.


Still some more opinions here would be great.




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Yeah I know, I'm just one for tradition really. Haven't really changed the concept for the banners since #1, or #101 if you count the text.

On that note, I don't think I'll change them (because I am a stickler for doing the same thing for ages), but I'll tone 'em down instead, so they're less...ick. From now on.



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