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Join The Ranks Of The Skakdi Warlords And Together We Will Conquer Bz-koro!

Xeren Ozone


Join me! All you need to do is change your name(Example: Skakdi Warlord Gold) and maybe even put a link to here and make an army from the depths of BZPower!

To join comment here. When you join, do your mission... And by the way... PM me when you raise one rank.


We have a... "Spy" on the "inside". We know nothing about him except he calls himself... "The Ambassador". He sends us transmissions everyonce and a while, giving us info. The Ambassador has been confirmed as Makutox.


I am the only Warlord.

Generals(only 5): Auto Dragon, Fungo the Ferret, Twilight Titan Lord, Nuparu456789 Nuparu is currently on probation for attempting to overthrow me. He can do nothing a General can do. All he can do is what a Private can do.

Commanders(7/7): Cobra Commander, Tyler Toa of Awesomeness, Rok, Vonraki, Akuna T.o.S., Sir Scinos,.:Shadix:.

Captains(2/10): Evo the Reaper, Reznaz

I can have 15 Lieutenants

20 Sergants

25 Corpeorals

Privates(1/50): LewatheToa


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If anyone wants me too make it a guild in the BZPRPG, tell me eight people that will join. IC: Clunks guards heads together "There, sleep tight!" Sneeks silently into base *into com* "There, I am in." "What should i do?"

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IC: Location: Dark alleyway near Tohu's command tower

"Cover me, I'm going in." Captain Vaxoraq exits the alleyway and creeps behind the BZ-gaurds gaurding the tower entrance. "Knock, knock!" The BZ-gaurds are alerted to Evoro's presence. Clang! Evoro slams the BZ-gaurd's heads into the door to the tower and eats their souls. Evoro talks into his radio to the other Skakdi. "God-Modd Grenades clear to go!" Then, Captain Evoro escapes the range of the explosion of the grenades. OOC: That should do it. You're clear to enter the command tower!



Captain Evoro Vaxoraq

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IC: Location: Dark alleyway near Tohu's command tower

"Cover me, I'm going in." Captain Vaxoraq exits the alleyway and creeps behind the BZ-gaurds gaurding the tower entrance. "Knock, knock!" The BZ-gaurds are alerted to Evoro's presence. Clang! Evoro slams the BZ-gaurd's heads into the door to the tower and eats their souls. Evoro talks into his radio to the other Skakdi. "God-Modd Grenades clear to go!" Then, Captain Evoro escapes the range of the explosion of the grenades. OOC: That should do it. You're clear to enter the command tower!



Captain Evoro Vaxoraq

Good, good, do not kill their leader, go and research there instead, we need information about any thing that could damage our plans.


That was a command from Skakdi Commander Rok.

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IC: *Teleports* Well, well, Hapori Dume, we meet at last. *Hypnotizes Hapori Dume* Hapori dume: YES MASTER. Help us destroy BZ-koro. YES MASTER. *into com* Well, I have hypnotized Hapori dume, what should I do now?
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IC: Evoro sneaks into the tower and takes an elevator up to where Hapori Tohu is. "Good work, General Nuparu. I'll hijack the database, you can keep Tohu away from the area." Luckily, Evoro was an expert when hijacking systems. *Into Radio* "OK, I found some plans about some sort of giant mecha. It's file name is 'The Anti-Skakdi Moderator'. It looks like we got something big on our hands..." OOC: General Nuparu, it's Hapori TOHU. Hapori Dume is Tohu's brother.



Captain Evoro Xexas Vaxoraq

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OOC: I know, I purposely called him Hapori Dume. IC: Hapori Dume go! Use BZP hack! It was a critical hit. *teleports* *again* "Well, The Fallen said while holding the unconsiencess Tohu, guess he wasn't THAT strong after all.

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OOC: BTW, Nuparu456789, what do you want to be called? IC: Evoro gets out a USB drive and plugs it into a USB socket. He spoke through the radio. "I'm downloading the files onto a portable disk. We'll soon be able to take them back to base." The files finished downloading and Evoro goes to the door of the elevator. "Come on, General. You can leave them unconscious." Evoro called to General Nuparu. They then entered the elevator and proceeded with their plan...



Captain Demonico Raxun Cerakor

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Well, I originally was The Fallen, and I accidentally changed my name to my account name, so.... I want too be called The Fallen. IC: "Yes Sir!" The Fallen yelled vigourisly. "What is my next mission, sir?" Asked The Fallen, "How can i help, master?" Asked Hapori Dume.

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OOC: OK, I'll call you General Fallen.

IC: " First, make Dume unconsious and let him go of mind control. Second, let's get back to base, then we can see what these files are." Captain Evoro and General Fallen come out of the elevator on the bottom floor and when they get out of the tower, they find themselves surrounded by a squad of BZ-gaurds. "They're Skakdi rebels! Blast them!" The BZ-captain shouted to the squad of BZ-guards. *Into Radio* "We need backup! We're at the entrance of BZP Central! We need Skakdi Warlord Gold!!"...

OOC: I LOVE cliffhangers.



Captain Evoro Vaxoraq

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I'd like to be a genaral or a captain. I'll be called Reznas the Brilliant or Reznas. My sword is Green and Black, and My body is green and Blue.

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IC: "Dang, that's a lot of guards!" The Fallen said as he sliced a guards head off. "AHA! I know what too do!" The Fallen said evily. "Hapori dume go! Use..... BZP HACK! it was fatal." "But," said evoro "it only got the captain!" "what?" said the BZP guards, terrified. "Captain's..... GONE!" "Well," Said The Fallen. "Get used to it!" He roared. *Into com* "Warlord, we need IMMIDEATE backup!" "Hurry!" OOC: This is my first time playing an RPG! Do you think it was good? And, Evoro, is it okay that i used your character? It was quick.

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OOC:My name is Vonraki! Also can I get switched to General? IC:I'm coming you two! *Vonraki's ship lands on top of ten BZ-Guards* So,what did I miss?

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IC: "Well, VOnraki, I, say, give us back up! We are being heavily pelted here! The BZP guards are scattering though... OH. MY. GOSH. It... I IT's BLACK SIX!!!!!!!:o" "Yes, It is me." Black Six said. "And your little plot here... SHALL END!" which as B6 said those words chopped off a Skadi private's head. OOC: Oh no! Bak 6 Black six! How will our villains escape!? TUNE IN NEXT TIME!
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I'm about to use my pretty decent writing skills to conjur up a story on this...




Shadix Shaviar, Wielder of the Pyrestone Scimitar

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IC: "Do not worry. Just get as far away as possible." Evoro shouted to the others as he sliced a BZ-Gaurd into pieces. The Fallen and Vonraki run to a safe place (a dark alleyway) and wait. "SOUL NUKE!!!!" Evoro started to glow with immense power, then suddenly, a large explosion of power rained down upon the BZ-Guards and Black Six killing the guards and weakening B6, but leaving Evoro drained of most of his energy...

OOC: If I don't post a reply after two posts by someone else, you have my permission to do so until I post again. To everyone: A breif summary, Me and B6 are now weak, The Fallen and Vonraki are in a dark alleyway near BZP Central, and Gold is at an unknown location.



Captain Evoro Xexas Vaxoraq

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