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Join The Ranks Of The Skakdi Warlords And Together We Will Conquer Bz-koro!

Xeren Ozone


Join me! All you need to do is change your name(Example: Skakdi Warlord Gold) and maybe even put a link to here and make an army from the depths of BZPower!

To join comment here. When you join, do your mission... And by the way... PM me when you raise one rank.


We have a... "Spy" on the "inside". We know nothing about him except he calls himself... "The Ambassador". He sends us transmissions everyonce and a while, giving us info. The Ambassador has been confirmed as Makutox.


I am the only Warlord.

Generals(only 5): Auto Dragon, Fungo the Ferret, Twilight Titan Lord, Nuparu456789 Nuparu is currently on probation for attempting to overthrow me. He can do nothing a General can do. All he can do is what a Private can do.

Commanders(7/7): Cobra Commander, Tyler Toa of Awesomeness, Rok, Vonraki, Akuna T.o.S., Sir Scinos,.:Shadix:.

Captains(2/10): Evo the Reaper, Reznaz

I can have 15 Lieutenants

20 Sergants

25 Corpeorals

Privates(1/50): LewatheToa


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IC: "WRAGH!" Yelled The Fallen. "I will HUNT. YOU. DOWN!" Roared The Fallen with an intensity that would drive Teridax mad. "Well, well, well..." said The Fallen. "Atleast I have YOU, "general". HA!" said The Fallen as he gave "the general" asphyxia.
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IC: *Teleports* "Oh... Too late, I guess I should go..." *Teleports* "Well Nektann, did I do good as an imposter?"

OOC: Ooh a plot twist!


-The Ambassador

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ic: as i teleport to my studio in comic land and transform into my matoran form i think how will i find warlord gold hmm then an idea poped up in my mind as i teleported to what might seem ceartin doom.
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IC: "It was good I never left the base." The Fallen says proudly. *Uses mental connector* "Gold, gold is that you?" "Yes." was the weary reply. "Good. Now, where are you?" The Fallen asked, inquisitively. "Behind you." Said Gold. *BANG!* And The Fallen knew no more. (was knocked out.) "You should never trust your leaders, The Fallen. Especially If they are treacherous Skadi." Gold cackled
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OOC: Hey, Commander Shaviar! You stole my title! (Writer of cliffhangers) :P That is epic. I'm not there yet BTW.

IC: Evoro, after being recharged by Vonraki, heard Gold's call and teleported using his reaper powers. When he got to the crime scene (CSI Lol :P), he noticed that The Fallen was knocked out, Gold was next to The Fallen, Vonraki was in a heap on the floor and everyone else was overpowered. "Did I miss something?" asks Evoro. "Yes. Lots of things." says Gold as he teleports behind me. Clang! I knock him to the ground with lightning fast reflexes. Then I run up to The Fallen and attempt to recharge him, it works and Evoro attempts to take some of the energy from Vonraki to balance his energy levels. "Come on, you two." Evoro says to Vonraki and The Fallen. "We need to find the person responsible..."

OOC: My powers are:

Eye powers: Lasers

Weapon: Claw and Knife

Weapon powers: Soul eat and Overkill

Normal powers: Soul rip, Soul reap and Soul charge.

Overcharge powers: Soul nuke, Soul Radar and Vaxoria (Giant Laser beam that splits off and targets everyone's souls within a range the size as New York)



Captain Evoro Xexas Vaxoraq

EDIT: If no one's gonna post an IC...

OOC: Can I create another character, Gold?

(Alsok Vexa Madraik A.K.A Dr. Madraik) IC: While all this was happening, Dr. Madraik sat in his lab, pondring on who to help. "Help the Skakdi BZ-Koroians with their conquest of BZ-Koro? Or help the Skakdi Traitors and the Ambassador?" asked Dr. Madraik to his companion, a giant spherical robot hanging from the ceiling with lots of arms and one eye(AKA a male version of Glad0s called A1ark). "I would help the Traitors and The Ambassador. They seem to have the upper hand." answered A1ark. "Alright then, The Traitors it is!" said Dr. Madraik gleefully. Then he paced to the elevator, on his way picking up something from the table of his lab and placing it in his pocket...


EDIT2: Can someone PLEASE comment? I'm all alone... :(

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OOC: You're not alone anymore! IC: *Vonraki eats a chocolate bar while awaiting more information on his part of the mission* OOC: Can I have two characters?(Koraki aka my mom) IC: Koraki was too late to save her husband from death 12 years ago and she will not her son die "Teleporter: Vonraki" and she was off in a flash of light.

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Hey, can I join?

If I can then I would like to be at the highest possible rank

My Name is Rrptrrvxx (Pronounced Rrrp-tarr-vuxx, say it fast)...Rrptrrvxx...The Lord of Shadows

My armour is Ebony Black and dark Crimson red


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IC: "Ugh" groans The Fallen "You would THINK that my mind link would give "spider-sense" Right?" whines The Fallen. "I nominate myself for new warlord. Since, Gold is gone and bad." states The Fallen, proudly. OOC: My powers include, but are not limited too:


2)twin Katanas

3)Shoop da whoop

4)mind link

5)moral light absorption

6)Solid replication of self (hard holograms)

7)Mind control

8) Is awesome sniper (as seen in Shadix's story)

9) Teleportation

10) telekinsis

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IC: "Ugh" groans The Fallen "You would THINK that my mind link would give "spider-sense" Right?" whines The Fallen. "I nominate myself for new warlord. Since, Gold is gone and bad." states The Fallen, proudly.

OOC:If you paid attention to posts you would've realized that Gold is in one of Nektan's jail cells and the "Gold" that was in the throne room was the general of Nektan's army.

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OOC: No one said that. Right? I never knew that, and I read the whole topic. VOTE FOR THE FALLEN AS NEW WARLORD! Well, how did he whack me? Teleportation, THAT's how. The "general" teleported/god mode when i gave him asphyxia which would knock him out.
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IC: No. It was real. I am not your Warlord you twits! I am Nektanns General. We hate your filthy army! Your Leader is already in our dungeons, rotting away while you are here standing on top of a bomb that is going to go off, the minute you leave this building!!

OOC:This is where it said it,Fallen

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(Dr. Madraik) IC: Dr. Madraik exited the elevator and into the street below his lab, then hacked a teleporter remote and set the coordinates to the base of the Skakdi traitors (The enemies of the Skakdi rebels). Dr. Madraik appeared in the base of the Traitors while Nektann and his generals were having a meeting. "Hello, Nektann." Alsok said as he entered where they were having the meeting. "Attack him!" Nektann called to his generals. Gold was the first to attack, pouncing on Alsok, but Gold was too late. Alsok had teleported behind Nektann and ??stabbed him in the back...?? ??=Is this allowed, Gold?


(Evoro) IC: Evoro exited the throne room with the others after helping them. "What shall we do now, The Fallen?" asked Evoro, The Fallen replied with "Go back to the base, and have an election for next warlord." "There will be no need for that." a mysterious shadow appeared behind them and when he came into full view, everyone gasped when they realized who he was...

OOC: Dunn, Dunn, DUUUNNNN!!!!! :P


~Captain Demonico

OOC: I has long ICs. :P

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There are 2 Golds. :P (I think.) Besides all he said was that he was not our warlord and that the REAL Gold was rotting in a dungeon. So, for now, there are 2 Golds until we find out the REAL identity of the evil Gold.



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IC: "Bionicle Rex!" gasped The Fallen. "Yes, rebel scum it is I!" said Bionicle Rex. "VaderFail.png" And all skadi in the room fainted from the fail*.



Disclaimer: I am sorry if I am not allowed too use this picture. This picture was made by friar tuck.

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