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Join The Ranks Of The Skakdi Warlords And Together We Will Conquer Bz-koro!

Xeren Ozone


Join me! All you need to do is change your name(Example: Skakdi Warlord Gold) and maybe even put a link to here and make an army from the depths of BZPower!

To join comment here. When you join, do your mission... And by the way... PM me when you raise one rank.


We have a... "Spy" on the "inside". We know nothing about him except he calls himself... "The Ambassador". He sends us transmissions everyonce and a while, giving us info. The Ambassador has been confirmed as Makutox.


I am the only Warlord.

Generals(only 5): Auto Dragon, Fungo the Ferret, Twilight Titan Lord, Nuparu456789 Nuparu is currently on probation for attempting to overthrow me. He can do nothing a General can do. All he can do is what a Private can do.

Commanders(7/7): Cobra Commander, Tyler Toa of Awesomeness, Rok, Vonraki, Akuna T.o.S., Sir Scinos,.:Shadix:.

Captains(2/10): Evo the Reaper, Reznaz

I can have 15 Lieutenants

20 Sergants

25 Corpeorals

Privates(1/50): LewatheToa


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Here is part 1 of a short story, envolving me, The Fallen One, and Evoro:


Shadix crept up behind a building 2 blocks away from target. They needed those files badly. Once they figured out the Password to code mission ‘GregF’, they could change BZ-Koro for years to come…

Though Shadix was somewhat of a novice, he was a force to be reckoned with. He by himself could bring down the guards, but there was no way he could get all the way and hack the computers without assistance.


That is where Gold comes in. He is the leader of this group of anti-BZ-Koroians. He has gotten lots of people to join him. So Gold has sent out several of this group to get the target.


The faint drizzle in the midnight sky did not hinder Fallen. He adjusted his scope to see in through the window of the target building. He knew that from the flare to firing was 18 seconds, and from his position of nearly a mile away, the bullet could take up to 3 seconds to get there. He had to fire at exactly 15 seconds for maximum efficiency.


Evoro lurked in the shadows, but that was not uncommon. It was actually normal for him to do so. The cursed Matoran had decided to vent his anger upon BZ-Koro, so he turned on them and joined Gold. His mission was easy. Scare the guards. Once Shadix gave the signal, he would sweep in with the most sinister, ominous appearance he could give. That would let Shadix kill the guards efficiently. After that, he was the watch, to see if anything would go wrong.


Shadix closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He blindly felt his belt. Flare, Pistol, Knife, Devices, Ammo, Grenades, and a Tazor. He smirked. This would be good. He opened his eyes and made a quick, muted gesture.


Evoro saw the signal and grinned maliciously. Then he tore through a brush and roared, shaking the ground in which he was previously on. He exploded from his physical form into Ghost and Rage at the same time, then bore down upon the guards. They opened fire on him, but nothing struck true, aside from the clawed fist that entered the first guard’s chest. The guard’s eyes rolled back, and Evoro claimed his soul. Shadix slew the other with a quick slash to the neck, then retrieved some keys and entered the target door…




Shadix Shaviar, Writer of Epic Stories

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This may sound like spam, but, I want EVERYONE to call me just The Fallen. not The Fallen One, or Fallen. Just clarifying for everyone.
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(In RPG) IC: Although Evoro was weak from the Soul Nuke, he had enough energy to get more backup. *Into Radio*"I... Need... Backup... NOW... Not... Much... Energy..." Then Evoro fainted from exhaustion while The Fallen and Vonraki tried to alert Skakdi Warlord Gold of the crisis...



Captain Evoro Xexus Vaxoraq

P.S. I now cannot move until someone lends me energy.

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Shadix slipped on some night goggles. Suddenly, the black room appeared. He made his way through the room, snagging a handful of chips on the way. He tread up the stairs quietly. The upper guards were oblivious the Evoro’s appearance, so it seemed. He peeked up over the edge of the stairs onto the 3rd story. There were the guards. They played some game on a poorly lit table in an even poorer lit room, so Shadix could creep around. Assuming he was quiet.


As he tiptoed slowly through the room, one guard stopped playing. He raised his head and told the other one to be quiet. Shadix held dead still. Then the guard focused upon him. He cried an alert, and the other guard brought up his weapon in a flurry of bullets. Shadix already had his two pistols drawn though, and it only took a few shots to silence these two hindrances.


But all that noise was sure to bring other guards. Shadix grimaced as he heard hurried footsteps coming from above. He made a daring move and dashed to the window. The glass broke in a shower of shrapnel as Shadix bashed his pistol through it. He holstered it, then gripped the bricks that made the outer wall. He just got off the windowsill before the guards reached downstairs. Shadix thought that maybe, just maybe, they would leave. But, on the other hand, they had two dead guards and a shattered window.


Using all his body muscles, Shadix precariously moved up the brick surface. He reached the window to the 4th floor and bashed through it. No guards. They all must be downstairs. He knew that on the next floor there were propane tanks. He had to give the signal, or the flare, to let The Fallen know when to shoot. And he knew that in 16.5 seconds, he could go up 2 flights up stairs. But he told them 18 seconds so that he could have some margin. He needed to get that far away before the propane blew up, because they needed him to survive. Once the tanks were shot, there should be a big enough hole that Shadix could get into the secret room, with the ‘Beast’. That is what they called the super computer that Shadix was

going to hack.


As Shadix proceeded up the stairs, something dark and heavy leapt down the stairs and struck him…


To be continued...



Shadix Shaviar, Writer of cliffhangers

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Okay... Just, WOW! This is awesome! And I hope I wasn't offensive, stating my preferred name :( .


Nah, that isn't offensive. Look at the first post on page 10 on my comics, that is kinda offensive >.<


Hope you all enjoy my writing! I will continue the story!




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Hey guys! How about we post our power of skadi we are, before the next chapter comes out! I am a Skadi of Vacuum. (wink, wink, too the writer of the current story.)
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My power is ummm... well, I'm uh... probably just a Skakdi of air. But I am really good with computers and how to hack them :evilgrin:


EDIT: Part 3:


As Shadix proceeded up the stairs, something dark and heavy leapt down the stairs and struck him. They rolled down the stairs, making a great deal of noise in the process. Shadix felt a cold touch on hip, then a sharp seer of pain from the same spot. He had lost his goggles in the fall, and so was not able to see what was attacking him. But he instinctively drew his knife and plunged it in. With a cry of pain, whatever it was leapt off of him. After Shadix lost grip of the knife, which was the attacker, he pulled out two of his pistols and opened fire on the attacker.


Unlike most legal pistols, this one was a full automatic, meaning that it would keep firing as long as the trigger was held. The results were generally a hole being bore through his opponent. In the firry flashes, Shadix could just see that his attacker was a BZP guard. The knife was sticking out of its thigh, and it was clothed in black. Silent attacker to stop someone… that dirty little ninja…


He ended the attacker in a grueling mess. He dropped the empty clips on the floor and reloaded. Now he could hear the footsteps coming back up. He darted up the stairs and fumbled around, looking for his flare. Then he realized that the ‘ninja’ had cut off his belt, which had the flare. Now he heard the guards downstairs analyzing the belt. Being quick thinking like he was, he then ran over to the window and opened fire into the air, with both guns pressed together.


The Fallen saw a flashing light in his scope. That obviously wasn’t the bright red flash the flare would have produced. What was that? He brightened the view, then looked closely. Without warning, the flashing stopped. Then, about 20 seconds later, it started again. This time The Fallen could see Shadix nervously standing behind the flashing. That must be an improvised flare.




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OOC: I am the invincible Skakdi of Light and Dark... I call it... Element X.


IC: I sit on my throne. I await what could possibly be my death. A hooded figure walks in. Standing next to him is Hapori Tohu. "Welcome back... Traitor." "Thank you "Warlord". He smirks. "This is the one who has rebelled." He says to Tohu. "Then Tohu shall destroy him." Tohu replies. "Not in my Kingdom Tohu!" I draw my sword, he makes one. We run at each other. Our blades clang together. "Here it is." I think. "Either my army is broken and detroyed... Or we win and prevail." My thoughts were cut of by an impalement in my sword arm. "Graaa!" My sword clangs to the ground. The Traitor extends his arm a little, revealing he is pointing a laser-cannon at me. I try to dodge, but I am hit dead-on in the chest. My ash-covered armor falls next to my sword. Blood spilling from my arm, I grab a knife and throw it. It must have hurt me more then the traitor, cause it only skinned his hand. My energy gone, I only have one last resort... Element X. If I did I would die... If I did not I might die. Before I decide Tohu plunges a blade through my back, and the Tratior blasts me. I fall to the ground, my Heartlight seacing to glow.


With my last life I say into the Com-Link: "All units.... Report to... My throne room..."

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OOC: As you know, I'm not a Skakdi and the before RPGing didn't happen. But I AM...

Dunununununun... A vortixx/ Shadow Reaper, yes. Before becoming a reaper I was a vortixx!


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I am a Skakdi of Psionics,


Vision Power: Telekinetic vision power

Elemental Power: Mindblast, little mindreading and telepathy

Weapon: Illusion-Hammer, when hit by it one random sensory organ is fooled.

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IC=In character(when you are your person)

OOC=Out of Character(when you are simply talking)


Text based means you write what happens

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IC: I took my small blue bag, looking at a picture of his mother and father.

His mother was Buqi, the evil twinsister of Tohu, with a silver-blue armor she stood there in the photo, as if she knew about the "quiet war". His father, Karzahni was as just as fierce and evil as his mom was.

He looked forward and said to himself,


This is for the best of the comicland...


He searched in "the mind of the universe" and when he found the mind of his father, Karzahni, he activated the telepathy and said:


Father, we need your strength...


Note by your Warlord: I will control all NPCs, as in Tohu, Dume, Karzanhi ext.


Oh yeah! Thats right! I control your posts!

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Karzanhi: The telepathy will not go unanswered.

"Son. Your army shall be nothing with no Leader. Go. His throne room is his grave. You must avenge his spirit. I will do everything I can to revive your leader. Find the Traitor who did this. I shall speak with you no more my son."

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ooc:heres my new one hope its good

ic: as i teleported to the warlord's throne and saw the sight as i see all the blood and the worst sight the warlord with his heart light barley glowing. my anger cant be described. i dont know who did this said cobra commander but they will pay.

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