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Join The Ranks Of The Skakdi Warlords And Together We Will Conquer Bz-koro!

Xeren Ozone


Join me! All you need to do is change your name(Example: Skakdi Warlord Gold) and maybe even put a link to here and make an army from the depths of BZPower!

To join comment here. When you join, do your mission... And by the way... PM me when you raise one rank.


We have a... "Spy" on the "inside". We know nothing about him except he calls himself... "The Ambassador". He sends us transmissions everyonce and a while, giving us info. The Ambassador has been confirmed as Makutox.


I am the only Warlord.

Generals(only 5): Auto Dragon, Fungo the Ferret, Twilight Titan Lord, Nuparu456789 Nuparu is currently on probation for attempting to overthrow me. He can do nothing a General can do. All he can do is what a Private can do.

Commanders(7/7): Cobra Commander, Tyler Toa of Awesomeness, Rok, Vonraki, Akuna T.o.S., Sir Scinos,.:Shadix:.

Captains(2/10): Evo the Reaper, Reznaz

I can have 15 Lieutenants

20 Sergants

25 Corpeorals

Privates(1/50): LewatheToa


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IC: "Whoever thinks of chopping off my limbs..... Your soul is MINE!" said The Fallen. "So, what is my next mission?" asked The Fallen
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IC: Twilight teleports next to Skakdi Warlord Gold. "My lord.... I have formed a significant force. These.... are my Equinox corps." Twenty warriors of lariska's species walk in. They all wear grey armor, and wear masks of fate, stealth, quick teleportation, accuracy, or sonar, all shaped to look like sculls. They wield battle rifles and swords. "They are biologically engineered to be the most powerful, accurate, and quick as can be. they wear near-impenetrable armor. I hope they make up for the time I have been missing as a general. What shall I have them do? "

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This looks fun! Tell me what to do, and I'm in.

So how exactly do I join this?


OOC: Just ask to join. You will be assigned a mission sooner or later.


IC: "Oh, the Equinox corps ARE impressive." The Fallen stated, "But, are they as good as MY Unicorps?" asked The Fallen as 6 ancient looking warriors teleported in, "Here arm my troops: Ulsheon, A ancient herald of Unicron. You do NOT want to mess wit him. Galveour, One of Uni's most trusted heralds, Par me, of course.".....


OOC: OOH! Another group dedicated to total assimilation of BZ-koro! How will BZ-koro get out of THIS?

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IC: I jump in the way. "No. I have joined you, but SERIOUSLY, you want to DESTROY my HOME?"


OOC: I guess I'm in trouble now!

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IC: "Pretty freakin much" said The Fallen as he started to plant bombs in buildings. The Unicorps did the same "So, you want to run away, screaming like a little girl? Or you want to live the real life?" asked The Fallen "I, of course, can't Why? I am on probation, I tried to overthrow Gold." said The Fallen as Neelh realized that either The Fallen is overconfident, or just that good.
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IC: "You can't do that." Neelh whispered, trying to sound brave. "I have a team of Toa. They can defuse them all. I cannot let you destroy entire villages. I-I..."

She collapses on the floor, sobbing.

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IC: "And I have a team of Unicron's heralds!" said The Fallen "Which would win? A wimp that can make smoke or raindrops, or invincible creatures that have the power COSMIC!?" screamed The Fallen, he obviously was getting a TAD bored. "Now, when I press this button...." The Fallen said holding up a remote "...The entire city will BLOW!" "You want to live protecting some little baby's that don't care about you? Or you get them to respect you by FEAR?" maniacally said The Fallen
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IC: Neelh glares at the fallen, her gold eyes sparking like the flames she represented. She smiles evilly. "Oh, I can make much more than smoke or raindrops, but there's something called being nice, in which you can disguise things..." Her smile broadens. "But not today."

She hurls fireballs at The Fallen, grinning manically.

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ooc: Nuparu, how did your character know about my equinox corps? I only showed them to Gold, and you weren't right next to him, were you? Gold, can you give me and my corps a mission?

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OOC: So I guess I should start Playing!


Name: Ebbarez

Skadi Elemental Powers: Control of shadow

Weapons: Shadow tendrils

Vision power: Fear


IC: "Good, I'm in" Ebbarez said, seeming pleased. "I guess I should meet up with them now." Ebbarez is about to teleport, when a hand grabs him from behind. "You won't be going anywhere....."


OOC: This is my first RPG, so I might be a little rusty, sorry.

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I think so...


(Back in BZ-Koro)

IC: "You imbelicile... Did I say that right?" Neelh hisses. "Anyways, you disgusting bunch of slime. Did you ever pause to think, that that little, petty Toa was a good actress? No. Single-minded, ignorant, moronic Skakdi." She pauses. "You even a Skakdi? Nah, too ugly."

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IC: A shadow hand grabs Neelh and slams her into a wall "Back off," Ebbarez growled. He turned to his fellow Skakdi. "We have a problem. Someone has chucked me out of the base. I was the only Skakdi there. I couldn't see his face." He turned to Neelh. "And what should we do with her?" He asked, his eyes shining at the thought of the pain to come.
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IC: "Thanks, Ambassador." Evoro says as he gets up. "You lot should be thanking me! I could of easily left you to die, but I waste loads of my energy saving you instead! From now on, I go alone unless anyone wishes to come with me to conquer other places. Who needs a small pathetic city like BZ-Koro, when there are others like BZ-Metru or the Comic Land?" Evoro then waits to see if anyone wanted to come with him. "Ebbarez, since you already have control of shadow, I was thinking of teaching you to manipulate the shadows to suck out your opponents life in one blow, the preferred move of a Soul Eater such as myself. What do you say?" Evoro offers Ebbarez...


OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I was at my grandma and grandad's house on the weekend without a computer.


~Captain Evoro Xexas Vaxoraq

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IC: "OH HECK YEAH!" Ebbarez yelled "Unfortunately, I don't leave my warlord, and I much prefer the joy of fighting and battle. A one hit defeat would make it boring." Ebbrez blatantly rejected Evoro's offer. "So thanks but no thanks." Ebbarez walks away from Evoro.


OOC: This is fun!

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IC: Neelh slips out of the shadow hand smoothly. "I could destroy you all. Fire is invincible. It always changes. Pour water on it, and the steam will cloud your eyes. I have complete control over this. I could burn all of this. I could kill. But I did the right thing..."

Neelh's voice trails off into silence as she realises the lies she had told.

But if she couldn't win, she would stay alive, and try to put things right.

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IC: "Fine. Oh, Neelh? I am invincible. I could kill you in one blow, if you hadn't made it out of BZ-Koro, you would be a corpse." Evoro said. Then Evoro walked away from the group, using telekinesis to undo The Fallen's handcuffs...


OOC: The Fallen is now free from his cuffs, but still on probation. ;)



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