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Green Gelu Helmet Wip



I was able to take a better picture of that WIP I'm working on that uses the green Gelu Helmet:



As you can see, the torso needs working on, and the lower legs could use some customization and lengthening. But nonetheless, my friends (who are getting back into LEGO YAY!) thought he was cool enough as was, so I don't mind displaying him on my shelf until the summer when I'll have time to fix him up.


I really like that boomerang; I've had the idea for a while now. And I'm using the hand idea I derived from Piraka Fusion. (Both arms would be the same except I was mistaken in thinking I had two dark green Metru torsos. But that then allows me to make him interesting! And add the shield. My friends liked that. I was tempted to give him a smaller sword/staff in his left hand but that would get in the way of combat and using his shield. Ho hum.)


Also stated before was his neck length. I agree and will look into other options later.


-CF :kakama:


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Very nice! I like him, except for the boomerang, cause I couldn't tell what it was. I think a nice axe would look sweet on him, but very well done!

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The fact that I don't have such a glorious helmet makes me want to cry.



as for the rest of the moc, i'll comment on the morrow

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That is an awfully nice helmet. I wonder where you got it...


Bah, that's just as bad as everyone else that'll say "ooooh" and not pay attention to the MOC...


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I still need to do something with my awfully nice helmet...


Well, I'd suggest investing in another Metru torso, because as it is I don't much care for the weirdness of the wrist, nor the mismatching of the Hordika leg arm bits. I think the silver Bohrok eyes should be replaced with more substantial claws, maybe Mahri blades or those skinny blades that were on Hewkii Mahri. I agree that the legs and torso need work. Short of a total reqorking, you could possibly get rid of the Kongu Inika foot, move the Piraka foot (and perhaps shoulders) down more, then the neck can be shortened. Um, and totally crazy idea here, but maybe give him some sort of back attachment so he can use the boomerang thing like helicopter rotors to fly. Yes.

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In addition to what Arpy said, I'd add something to the Mahri armour on the shoulders - they seem to be missing something.


Also, widen hips, add to shins, move shield on left arm to face the side rather than the back


Also, for the left arm, at least flip it so the Hordika leg is oriented the same was as the right arm

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I can see why the reversal-ness of the Hordika legs are bothering. (Good thing this is a WIP!) So I guess I'll take my brother's Metru torso. (And then add the shield on in a clever way.)


I know what you mean about the Mahri shoulder armor.


Mahritoran blades might looks silly, IMO, Arpy, and I don't have 4 Hewkii blades so...sorry but thanks for the suggestion.


Shin armor? That seems to be all the rage these days, isn't it?


I'm hoping I can move the Piraka foot down.


Wider hips?



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Ah yes. I remember seeing this a while ago in another entry. :rolleyes:


Let's see. First impressions... (and these might be a bit rambly)

I quite like the right arm's design and I second what Arpy about investing in a new Metru Torso. The left arm is just... odd; mainly because it's almost an upside down version of the right arm (though not quite). The wrist spikes are niffty too and I think that they are fine in silver, but you will definitely want to even out your color distribution; currently your silver is mostly in the upper torso and weapons.


His torso looks a bit flat, like he got sat on by a Kikanalo or something. The bulky hands give the impression of muscle, but you really don't find that anywhere else in the MoC and his proportions look odd. To be more specific, his proportions length wise are fairly good (up and down) but it's the width and diameter that needs work. He needs a bit of beefing up (especially the legs), and I would definitely recommend either shortening the arms several studs or lengthening the legs (I would go with the arms if it were me).


The Mata Nui weapons on the shoulders look cool, but the silver Mahri armor on top doesn't quite fit; might I recommend getting some dark green Nuva shoulder armor pieces? Or, Matau's shoulder armor would work just as well. That Piraka foot needs to come down (you've already mentioned that though), and the legs definitely need work.


Personally, I don't like the "leg on leg" design here; that is, you using leg pieces on top of other ones for armor. As to the weapons, the boomerang looks very cool, but it doesn't look practical at all. I mean, how's he gonna throw it? Could you use different weapon types to scale it down in size but keep the concept? I like the shield; keep that.


One last thing. I know that the whole reason that you are building this guy is so you can use your nifty new Prototype piece (and I can't say that I blame you) but all the same the head looks very small on this MoC. I was looking through your Brickshelf folders and saw the original Glatorian sized guy you built with the helmet; that worked very well. I think it could work on this guy though. :)


All told, this guy shows promise but he needs work for sure. He is just a WIP at the moment after all. ;)

I look forward to your finished product, and I will try to get you those pictures this weekend. ^_^



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Thanks for your thoughts! Such a long reply for only a WIP, so thanks for the work you did.

As with everyone else, I'll keep them in mind.


To answer the boomerang throwing question, I figured he would stretch his right arm behind him and then throw it around his side, like you can do with a frisbee (not a normal way). Or he could slip it down his hand, grip the end, and throw it like a frisbee is normally thrown.

But thanks for the input! I am, however, feeling like a staff would not be the best idea...




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I am, however, feeling like a staff would not be the best idea...

Did I say a staff? Because I don't think that would be a very good idea either. I really like the boomerang concept; I just think you need to scale it down a bit, that's all. :) (it just looks way too big to be practical)



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