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wait...what is my views anyway?

Your blog has 60882 views; Sumuki's blog has 18594 views.

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wait...what is my views anyway?

Your blog has 60882 views; Sumuki's blog has 18594 views.

Who is this "Sumuki" of which you speak? :???:

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Maybe he's your cousin on something.

That would make extremely little sense. If this "Sumuki" guy was Sumiki's cousin,

then Sumik would probably have heard of him. No, my teory is the following:


Sumiki and Sumuki are identical twins that got separated at birth. Thanks to the secret hidden cameras in Sumiki's house,

we already know how he grew up and such, so we won't discuss any details on that subject.

Sumuki, on the other hand, had a CD player in his room that always played a little to loud or a little too low. That slowly

made Sumuki go insane and to drift into antisociality and sceptisism against the world. He decided to

take out his revenge on soceity and the company that had fabricated the CD player.

He hid in a basement where he tried to compose a creation of pure evil that could conquer the whole world

and then some. Then he realised that he didn't have any fuel. Luckily, he knew a guy on Mars named Akolopkilasorgoflogonikorg.

Akolopkilasorgoflogonikorg had a farm where he bred a horde of Evil Machine Fuel (Copyrighted by Vogon Enterprises) and so Sumuki

could finalize his plan. Unfortunaly he had done one fatal mistake; the machine only reached him to his knee.

Therefore, he went to Venace.

When he came back, he decided to make a blender out of the machine instead, the end.

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