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Weekly Update - 2/5

Black Six



I am here to enlighten and elucidate you all on this week's happenings, or some such thing like that. Really my goal is to bore you to the point where the rest of BZPower, in its boring-ness, seems fun and exciting. That may be a lie.



As I mentioned last week, the seventh episode of the BZPowercast was released. In our longest episode yet, we rant and rave for almost an hour - and that's after I edited things down. (People may tell you I took out the 'good stuff,' but trust me, you didn't want to hear our many off-topic discussions.) There's Hero Factory, nostalgia, and the ever-popular How-To BZP (feel free to submit ideas for the next show). This episode also featured the most guests we've had yet, and the most people in a single discussion. It's one for the record books, so if you haven't already: go listen!


Speaking of Hero Factory, it looks like the Canadian equivalent of Toy Fair happened before the US one, and as a result some pictures of upcoming sets were discovered. There's not much other information, put you can rest assured that once I get my hands on that press catalog there will be scans and transcriptions - not to mention all the pictures I'll be sure to take!


So the forum staff I promoted last week finally have forums, and Felicia posted her first news story today. It's good to see that we made some good choices and that people are acclimating. Who knows maybe you'll be next (unless you're already staff, then you won't be next).


I think that may be it. Do I have anything else?


Oh yes. You may be seeing some more set reviews soon. That's all I'm saying...



Dear Black Six...


There is a question that has been plauging modern man for years, the question is... where in the world did you get your username from? A stupid question, I know. But I want to know modern man has to know!

Modern man is going to have to wait a bit longer, because I'm not telling. It's partially made up and partially an obscure reference.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Questions, comments, feedback, and mildly-veiled insults are welcome (except for the last one). I will see you all around. Enjoy your weekend!


Recommended Comments

Oh yes. You may be seeing some more set reviews soon. That's all I'm saying...

What could that be? System sets or Hero Factory sets I presume, or are you gonna start reviewing games now? :P


And I should really go listen to the new BZPowercast. Got it on my computer, but I have yet to listen to it.

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