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Weekly Update - 1/29

Black Six



To keep the theme going, I could be playing Mass Effect 2 right now! But instead I'm updating you on my usual weekly basis.



It's been a pretty slow week these past seven days, with nothing I could consider 'eventful' happening in the Bionicle news world.


But hey! I finally promoted some people! Congrats to Darth Vader, Iruini Nuva, Nukaya, Spink, and Senjo! I have every faith that they'll do a great job, otherwise I wouldn't have promoted them.


I guess this is the calm before the storm then, since ToyFair is a mere sixteen days away (almost two weeks!). ToM and I will be there representing BZPower and having a grand old time. Then we get to share all the pictures with you!


Most everything for the next episode of the Powercast is already recorded (and has been for a couple days). I have to edit it tomorrow and Sunday, and then *boom* you'll get to listen to it.



What does your Mother have to say about your love for BIONICLE?

I don't think she really cares anymore.


Dear Black Six,

I was wondering, Why is it the Gallery never works?

Ever since I have been on BZP it hasn't

It's never worked. It was a feature added in Invision Power Boards (the software that the forums are based on) that we decided not to use since we weren't sure if we could handle the additional strain on the server.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



What, you want more? Geez, the universe isn't going to save itself.


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To keep the theme going, I could be playing Mass Effect 2 right now! But instead I'm updating you on my usual weekly basis.


Go play it right now! The ending is so awesome and epic. Can't wait for ME3. :D

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Man, I bet you've got some totally lame people on the powercast this time.


Probably just some burk from Canada.



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It's never worked. It was a feature added in Invision Power Boards (the software that the forums are based on) that we decided not to use since we weren't sure if we could handle the additional strain on the server

If that's so, why do we have the link at the top?

Kinda pointless if you ask me

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It's never worked. It was a feature added in Invision Power Boards (the software that the forums are based on) that we decided not to use since we weren't sure if we could handle the additional strain on the server

If that's so, why do we have the link at the top?

Kinda pointless if you ask me

Again, it's a default feature. Yes, we could go in and edit the code to make it not display, but we're really kind of lazy. ;)

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It's never worked. It was a feature added in Invision Power Boards (the software that the forums are based on) that we decided not to use since we weren't sure if we could handle the additional strain on the server

If that's so, why do we have the link at the top?

Kinda pointless if you ask me

Again, it's a default feature. Yes, we could go in and edit the code to make it not display, but we're really kind of lazy. ;)

Makes sense.

Laziness dominates all

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