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I Can't Dally Anymore

Inferna Firesword


Since we've gone weeks without a new vote, I'll be announcing the new Second-in-Command for the Toa Seneca. Kini won by a landslide (and is really the most active member out of the nominees :P), so he is replacing Akaku. Akaku himself won't be taken off the list, but he'll be mentioned in a part that says "Goodbye".


With that handled, I have something else to think about. I really wanted to keep with the theme of seven for the Seneca, but the original group are a tight bunch.


What do you guys think? Initiate someone new, or just stay with our six?


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Never hurts to change, eh?


I would suggest try with a new fellow with, sometimes it works out better then first thought.

From what I've seen, your the writer of this group, and the RPG'er. Ak was..I'm not sure what Ak did, my guess was always stealing cookies. Though your group does have interisting bits of being story fellows, which is better then being surrounded by a bunch of fellows throwing pixels at your head. Speaking of pixels, I should re-do your masks sprite.

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Huh, we need an artist. Inferna's the most prominent author here, since Kagha's never on.... or anyone else for that matter.... >.<


Akaku was our Comic Artist... we must find someone



[/ V for Vandetta conference room]

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