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Just A Friendly Reminder

Kevin Owens


If my IM status says that I'm studying or not to bother me, it should be fairly obvious that you should not disturb me unless it is something relatively important. Apparently this is not the case as some of you continue to message me when I have that kind of status. Now I'm not calling anyone out specifically -there have been far too many of you doing this- but this is just a friendly reminder. The only reason I'm on the computer while studying or doing homework is because the majority of my classes have their stuff online or I have my notes typed out here.


Also, if it's only been a few days since I've responded to your post in an RPG or whatnot, please do not send me a IM/PM asking me to respond. I have priorities that rank higher than BZP. I simply can't sink endless hours into BZP nor do I want to. I do things other than stare at a computer screen all day. I do homework. I hang out with friends. I play video games. I practice on my guitar. I have a job. I exercise. I read books. All activities, that you might note, do not involve BZP. If I go for a week without responding, then you can feel free to send me a message with a reminder. Otherwise just realize that I'm a busy college student who's just trying to get by and I'll get to you eventually.


Once again, I'm not mad nor am I calling one out. This is just a friendly reminder.




Bumping this back to the forefront because it needs to be said. If my status says I'm busy, that means I'm busy. Please do not bother me.


Also, please stop recommending me the flavor of the week video game/tv series/anime/manga. Yes, I understand that you love it. I am happy for you. No, I will not read/watch/play it. I do not have the time.




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Furthermore, any unwarranted bothering of Gato will result in maiming and grievous punishment from my hands.


Have bloody dagger, will travel.


Edit: This, also, was just a friendly reminder.



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I do things other than stare at a computer screen all day. I do homework. I hang out with friends. I play video games



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