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A Talkback-- Piraka Fusion Instructions



Hey! I made instrucions for my Piraka Fusion MOC.

Folder Here

I would specifically suggest:

The Hand


The Staff


And since it seems that the Talkback Topic isn't properly linked at the time, go ahead and use this to give any comments you might have until staff does something about the link. (But, staff, please do fix it, and don't rely on this) (hey, Omi, how about you start one?)


I would also like this to be the place for discussion for my MOC in general.


(The News Article)


Thanx, and enjoy!



It'd be cool if it was a set, along with Krakua.


Major sets used were Keetongu, and Thok (althought Vezok might work)

You'll also need some keetorange joints, hordika armor, and 6 hordika knecks.

The piece pointed to for the tail is a technic watch piece. (I wanted to use it in a MOC)

I think everything else is pretty much can be seen from pix and is basic enough I don't need to expand on it.

On note of the tail-joint-breaking problem: I have used this style of connecting before and have only had one or two joints break, and then they are still usable. Don't be too rough, and ease the rod in. (some people also don't like the tail, so of course you don't have to put it on, but then he may have trouble standing up)


-CF :usa:


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Because I've reported stuff before (like my BrickFest 2006 Pix) and nothing has happened. I already had my pix in a topic, and this may have happened with a book once too. So I figure if I don't do it myself, something might get done.


(Wat I need is 2 become a riter, but that wont hapen soon, even though im on the skool noospaper) (<--JK) I guess I can keep bugging Omi about stuff for the front page



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I don't think there are words that describe how jealous I am that something you've designed has become official story content.


Lucky devil. Congrats again!

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Neat! I have that issue. Hey if this is ever made into a set then I'd definetly buy it! For me it would be really expensive to make since the sets I have don't contain any of those parts in those colors. By having them all in one set I'll save a bunch of $$$. Plus alot of the parts in that set are really useful for MOC-ing.

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I agree with that actually XP. They should do some limited release sets of stuff like this, and Tahtorak, and... stuff. But seriously, great stuff, thanks a lot for the pics, can't wait to get back home and strat working on this ^_^
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Awesome! I'm glad to see that my Zamor launcher design was put to good use. Now it's part of the official BIONICLE universe! Hooray!


I especially love the color scheme on this guy. As a matter of fact, I like him so much, I'd even buy him if he were an actual set. Great job!



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Which set does the weird piece in the tail come from? (The one that is pointed at by the red line)




From the watch.


Hey, great Moc there, I think that you really diserved to win the contest!


But one thing REALLY drives me off. The tail. Every connector you use, gets ruined. You kinda scrape the pieces, and they may break.


The Disousa

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HEY! I was going to make a MOC of this. I thought I was going to be the first to make one. oo bad I don't have nearly enough pieces to make this. <_< Good job, though! :)

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