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Bng Daily Report: 2/14

Lewa Krom


Happy (or not) Valentines Day everyone!


And the Winners Are...

Voice Acting Update


Today auditions for some roles came to a close. After careful decision making I present to you the roles of the following characters...


Tahu: ElevenGuy

Takanuva/Takua: SkullKid is on Hiatus

Kopaka: Krakuaofsonics

Kapura: Repicheep - Toa of Irony


Everyone who tried out did an awesome job! I think we had over 50 auditions for these four roles alone. If you didn't make it this time, there's still hundreds of other auditions that will be coming up, so don't lose hope!




Makuta of Artahka

Animation Update


Today the animators reached a proud moment. The first character has been modeled: Kojol. Great work, Toa Devak!






The Concept of Art

Concept Art Update


There is a position for concept artwork available. Contact lewathetoa or Toa Lunekk for more information.




Coming to Theaters BZPers Near You

Generic BNG Update


Many of you responded to yesterdays article on possibilities for showing the movies in theaters across the globe (potentially). To pull this off, we will need to know where you live so we can set you up with another BZPer if you're close enough. We will only require that you give us your country (if US, include state; if Canada, include province, etc.). If you can be more specific, it is preferred but I understand people who wish to keep things like that private.


So if you are interested, PM me with the information you're willing to release and we'll begin figuring out who goes where. (If we have 6 BZPers in New York City, it probably isn't necessary to have 6 different airings of the same film)




Scripts We Can Believe In

Scripts Update


Many of you already know that the Scripts are coming along but we hit a bump with the 2006 script. Thus we opened a small contest to vote on the best script there. The winner will get to choose between four scripts to write. Please go vote in the topic today and let your voice be heard. On Wednesday this week, I will open a poll for the top four to see which ones are the best and to decide to order for which the scripts shall be distributed.


It seems the blood is litterally rushing to Makuta's head. Bad joke. I know.


I'll be updating this later tonight with the results of the first voice acting group.


Recommended Comments

Don't you mean "Happy Singles Awareness Day"? :P


Kojol looks cool. What program was he made with? Or do you know?


Also, the suspense is killing me for the auditions... Have you reached your verdict on any of them? And how late tonight will the results be up?

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Don't you mean "Happy Singles Awareness Day"? :P


Kojol looks cool. What program was he made with? Or do you know?


Also, the suspense is killing me for the auditions... Have you reached your verdict on any of them? And how late tonight will the results be up?


Happy Singles Awareness Day to you too! :P


The animators are using Blender, which is free.


Pretty late, unfortunately. I almost forgot about a literary analysis I had to write for Frankenstein and can't seem to find my copy of the book.



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kojol looks preetty good but man does he have some big feet :P


are we makeinga site that showcases these aswell?


Rahkashi's working on a site for the project.

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