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I will be teaching my brother how to model Bionicle stuff with Blender. I will also be taking notes on what should be included in a Bionicle Blender tutorial. If I create one, how many people (from BNG and otherwise) would be willing to follow it and join our Moderator/anim team? Just curious.
January 2010 – BNG is Founded - Over 700 posts over the course of 3 days. Insanity contained within one topic. May 2010 – The Reign of Aparangi Pare - If you want to know about this one, contact Lunekk June 2010 – The Rise of the Pare Bear - I went on hiatus. Insanity took my place July 2010 – The Banishment of the Bioxon - This guy was banished August 2010 - Attack of the Loud Howard - Giant misunderstanding. Lewa Krom promises Xon a banishment December 2010 - Spammer Increases Lunekk's WPM - Spammer oddly never seen again December 2010 - Merry Christmas - GlatorianJaller creeps on us from the upper corner... January 2011 – BNG is Auctioned Off to Cherixon for $Friendship - Transaction has yet to be made February 2011 - The Reign of the Goat King - Oh hey there, MicroSnipe! February 2011 – The Great Pink Nova Blast - IDK who to blame for that one February 2011 - The Unicorns Take Over - Really? Another one in just one month? March 2011 - The Hapori-Scotus War - Yeah... don't ask, unless you want to get scarred for life April 2011 - Chatbox Temporarily Removed - Members realize how much of a life they don't have May 2011 - Lewa Krom's Hibernation Begins - Exams begin; Lewa goes to camp for entire summer September 2011 - Lewa Krom's Hibernation Ends - Lewa Krom returns from camp October 2011 - Hapori Boar Makes A Coherent Argument - Oh lol ScoreBoard: Lunekk - 5 Lewa Krom - 5 Hapori Boar - 3 Cherixon - 3 MicroSnipe - 1
Well, remember that whole thing with that scribble picture being easy to do, not time consuming, and decent looking? I discovered almost directly after that completely by accident how to create zomg-amazing looking pictures in a fairly non-time consuming manner, as evidenced by these partially painted mountains. They don't have color yet, but that's because in this style I add color later. But now I have a dilemma. I already started painting Alarist using my old painting style (color first, shading later) and suddenly I really am not sure I want to continue doing so, because this way is easier (even though I technically have to paint the picture twice). And it's not just easier because of the whole color thing, it's easier because of several steps that become completely unnecessary in the new style. But it's already partially painted... I really cannot decide. Ah well. *ponders the great thoughts*
For BNG! Credit to Cherixon for banner We are forming the Bionicle: Next Generation: Support Group. While the Blender Academy deals with one-on-one training in Blender, we are also doing something a little more broad. By joining the BNG: Support Group you are given access to many things including... •Beta testing the Bionicle Arena game due out by January 2011 •Have a custom character appear in the Bionicle Arena game •Be the first to see the movies we create and give us your opinion before it is released to the general public •Monthly BNG newsletters (if you want) •Appearance in the BNG comic series being written by Lewa Krom •Be eligible for the BNG Writer's Club (coming soon) •More in the works! All we ask in return is that, once a month you try to complete a unit in Blender 3D: Noob to Pro tutorial all the way through Unit III. After that, you'll be able to join BNG as a modeler or animator. If you need assistance, we have some experts who would be glad to take the time to help you (*cough* glares at Phantax for no particular reason ). If you really want to become a primary modeler/animator or help with a game, you can finish Unit IV in the tutorial and then take this brief tutorial if you're interested in game making: Blender 3D: Blending into Python By doing one unit a month, you get full membership in BNG as well as any and all benefits that come with it! From someone who's taken most of the tutorial, I can say it's not incredibly difficult and you actually feel like you're getting the hang of it by halfway through the first unit. Also, current BNGers. I'll be making a mandate of this upon those who I'm are not busy this summer (Busy meaning Nusua or Krayce - they amongst a few others will be exempt from this mandate) to also do the same work that the members of our Support Group will be doing. As I have been quoted "I have a dream that one day everyone will be able to 3D model and 3D animate." By learning this stuff, I'm not asking you to be particularly good at it, just being able to understand things when people talk about meshes and baking and stuff like that as well as being able to help render something should somebody need you to do it. So with that: It's summer. That's roughly 3 months of free time. Chances are you could finish the 3 units by the end of the month by putting in less than an hour a day. I'm not asking for much. Just a minimum. And who knows - maybe BNG will be more successful than anyone thought before!
This blog entry will belong to Sakaru for setting up how he wishes to do the Blender Academy. Since this is one of our BZPower classes, it will be posted here. If you do not find your name on any of the lists and think you have already signed up for a class, contact me. Students: Cherixon Jacob the Protector Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno Stinky Waffles Toa Phoenix
This blog entry will belong to Phantax (who's screenname is Renddslow due to a failed prank ) for setting up how he wishes to do the Blender Academy. Since this is one of our BZPower classes, it will be posted here. If you do not find your name on any of the lists and think you have already signed up for a class, contact me. Students: The Rabid MoCist Nusua Kaitahii ElevenGuy 55555
This blog entry will belong to Dark Hunter 554 (currently with the screenname lewathetoa) for setting up how he wishes to do the Blender Academy. Since this is one of our BZPower classes, it will be posted here. If you do not find your name on any of the lists and think you have already signed up for a class, contact me. Students: MicroSnipe Tahu... In a Little Dress THETOADUDE Darkrylles Zarayna
This blog entry will belong to DethRaid for setting up how he wishes to do the Blender Academy. Since this is one of our BZPower classes, it will be posted here. If you do not find your name on any of the lists and think you have already signed up for a class, contact me. Students: Leskows the Chihuahua Kohila Brixe The Cryomancer Waffles
Well join BNG! We're all friends now! (Except when I was sacrificed to save Lunekk, or something like that, or when everyone thought we were possessed, or when we had those failed meetings) We really do have an awesome time with each other, I believe. It's becoming a nicely knit group. If you want to join in in our games, don't hesitate to join!
Too much spam and off topic discussion in the modeling and animation topic. THIS IS THE OFFICIAL PLACE TO DISCUSS IDEAS FOR THE PROJECT. Please leave modeling and animation for discussion about models/animation -LK
Before I start, this is completely unrelated to my last blog entry. In some BNG discussions the word "compromise" has been thrown around. A compromise is when both sides give a little to come to an agreement. Examples of what are not compromises: Person 1: I want lots of oranges. Person 2: I want lots of apples. Person 1: Let's compromise. Once I have all of my oranges we'll consider on whether or not to get apples assuming we decide to come back, have money, and have time. Person 1: I want lots of oranges. Person 2: I want lots of apples. Person 1: Let's compromise. We'll get lots of oranges. Example of what a true compromise: Person 1: I want lots of oranges. Person 2: I want lots of apples. Person 1: Let's compromise. I'll get some oranges, you get some apples.
A Bohrok from our modeler Bioxon23.
Are some of you BNGers going to quit over a small thing concerning how we market what we make just because your side may or may not win? I heard my little brother and sister say the same thing ("I'll quit if I don't get my way") just a few hours ago. The maturity is overwhelming.
BNG Meeting in 30 minutes. Just a reminder to anyone who forgot about it and happened to be reading my blog before it started.
Yeah. A small BNG update. We have a ton of other stuff we've done but this one has caught my eye. CREATED BY ALCHEMY FOX
This entry is dedicated to the newest BNG member bioxon23. He is not from BZPower but another site (FINALLY! something that truely validates us moving to a new site. ) Anyway, he has created a few models already... Despite the apparent lack of people actively working on BNG we have received another Moderator/anim! And we're still working, just not on this site.
Bionicle: Next Generation's First Council Meeting is set for 11:00 AM EST. If you are one of the leaders and can't make it, PM me beforehand so I can know how many people we'll be missing.
so who from BNG is going?
As we prepare to go intoi the actual animation of The Empire this week, I thought I'd ask a simple question that inspired by a few topics in the Generak Discussion forum. What are the top 10 events in Bionicle are you dying to see in the movie (BNG)? 10. Axonn v Brutaka 9. Lewa and the rest in Outer Space 8. Time Trap!!! 7. Rahi Nui v Toa Nuva (BC#4) 6. Kardas v Tahtorak 5. "Matoran Teridax" 4. Gali Nuva's Nova Blast 3. Great Cataclysm 2. Battle between MU and the Prototype 1. Bohrok v Rahkshi -LK EDIT: Hey everyone! Click here!
Because it was needed. Lewa Krom Leader of the Project Beat that!
I now feel somewhat confident in my Blender abilities and am now going to begin modeling! I'm starting off with a Kanohi and will build up from there. BTW, does anyone know how to have the other side mirror one side? Like, so you don't have to model both arms, just one and it will copy to the other? -LK
As requested by GJ, please post your Skype name here. -LK
Because it was filling the 3D-animation topic!