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Upgrade Imminent

Angel Beat


Ordered a bunch of components which will then be fused together to form a new computer.

With Windows 7 Ultimate.


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Oh boy. I actually really like Win 7. The Paint and Calculator are pretty good. Almost no compatability problems, and XP Mode is soooo good, because now I can play Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy again!


My Kel Dor Male with dual Defender saber hilts will own you.

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You'll never defeat the Lord of Stealth. :P



One more package...

Oh, so you Jump Cleave when your victim's not looking? Noob. I have ninja avoid skills. And hide skills. And saberstaff skills. And ambush skills. I will kick your rumpus.

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I have many ways, Youngling. :P


But I guess we'll never know who will win.

"Youngling"? You are talking to the Balance Lord, little unbalanced Jedi. Learn your place, before I have to teach it to you.


And before you ask what I mean by "unbalanced", I shall explain. The Jedi have what they call "balance", but balance it is not. Tgeir corrupted form of "balance" is of total Light, with no Dark Side within. For true balance to be obtained, Light and Dark must be equal. This eliminates the bad characteristics of both Light and Dark, but brings to a moment of unblemished glory the best aspects. In other words you can use the Light Side's abilities without being a hypocritical Jedi, while at the same time use "Dark" abilities without all of the rage and hate of a Sith. There is balance.


Now learn your place, little Jedi.

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Still weak, still flawed, still unbalanced. I am Balance. I have power you could never imagine. The whole Force is mine to manipulate at will, not just one measly side. I could turn every attack you throw at me back at you with ten times the power you generated it with. I can raze the ground and sear the sky. But I can also heal any damage I can do. I even have such a control over the Force that I could use it to go... anywhere. The Universe is my playground. And now, you know the true capability of the Force. Come to the Balance. Come to what most would know as "the Gray Side", and you can have a power you never imagined.


Also, we have really good cookies, baked only using Force Power.

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