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Bionicle - Year One - Need 3d Artists



Unity has been downloaded, the game will soon be started. However, there is one slight difficulty:


I don't have any 3D models of the Toa Mata.


So yeah. Post it in your blog, put it in your sig, anything: I need to spread the word on this project. It'll never work without the help and support of the BZPower community.


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IMO, that Onua model looks brilliant. If we can have this level of graphics in the game, I, for one, will be more than satisfied. :D


Also, I vote for taking off his waist/backpack-thing. I like the sets as they are, since we´re to represent an entirely canon game. ;)



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Also, I vote for taking off his waist/backpack-thing. I like the sets as they are, since we´re to represent an entirely canon game.


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is there any specific system you would want us to use (blender, etc...) i might be able to make something on my spare time and also would you want characters looking like sets, movie, or custom design

also where would we get them to, and how?+ which charectors do you still need, ( i can't do rigging that stuff confuses me sooooooooooo much.


thanks, please reply



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is there any specific system you would want us to use (blender, etc...) i might be able to make something on my spare time and also would you want characters looking like sets, movie, or custom design

also where would we get them to, and how?+ which charectors do you still need, ( i can't do rigging that stuff confuses me sooooooooooo much.


thanks, please reply


I don´t know about what program is used, but I can answer the other questions. It has come to my understanding that we´ll be using models that looks as close as possible to the sets. The characters needed are:


All the Toa Mata,

All the McToran,

Takua, Kapura, Kopeke, Tamaru, Hahli, Hafu, Nuparu,

Rahi (Nui-Jaga, Nui-Rama, Nui-Kopen, Tarakava, Muaka, Kane-Ra, Manas, Gukko bird, Fikou, Hoto bug, Takeas, etc.)

All the Turaga,

Makuta´s I-Am-Nothing-form,

Both Toa Kaita,

Each Kanohi, the noble ones included,

And endless background objects such as rocks, trees, etc.


Undoubtedly, more will also turn up during planning of the game, so we´re in need of as much assistance as possible. We might be able to get models of the Toa, Turaga and Matoran from the B:NG project, so it´s best if the other things are fixed first. ^_^


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thanks i'm almost done with turaga nuju just need to finish his head,feet, and mask ( of course the head and feet are the same part so just the head and mask :D ill post a pic when i'm done ( probably next weekend since i have school)


i just realized i can probably do all the turaga because of the beautiful copy option :P

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thanks i'm almost done with turaga nuju just need to finish his head,feet, and mask ( of course the head and feet are the same part so just the head and mask :D ill post a pic when i'm done ( probably next weekend since i have school)


i just realized i can probably do all the turaga because of the beautiful copy option :P


I wasn´t planning to post simiply to tell you how awesome this is, even though it does sound rather awesome. Then I realized that just by bumping this entry, it´ll help the project, so I could as well comment.


And that sounds awesome - we´ll already have six of the more important models, then! And the noble masks, as well. =J


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i finished nuju !!!!! i think ill start vakama next i'll post a pic once i can ( of nuju ) but im having some rendering problems :(

i'm not sure how to save it to my windows pictures and thus show it here. also i just found a ______ crab ( i forgot what they are called it is jaller mahri's pet) i made last year you can use it, although i dought you want it because this is a year 1 game :P

voila!!!: nuju.png.jpg


welcome. oh and also i was wondering what models are already done ( charectors and landscape) and if you have landscape could i mabye see some pics?

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one more out of porportion midget done:




i know his mask is weird i fixed it but im being lazy and not changing the pics also what should i do with these models??? im sure they arent helping sitting on my server doing nothing oh and im almost done with nokama

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Personally, I think we should stick to the rahi sets. There´s lots of them already, counting the Master Builder Set.

That being said, it´s a good design. :)



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got it i was just having fun with the pieces i had already made :P

oh and should i send the files to sombody somehow ( turaga )

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IMO brilliant - though may I suggest sticking the eyes to the masks instead of the actual faces? That way it´d be much easier to give them emotion; something that´s probably not very easy with game-standard level of graphics. :)


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Can you try to make them look a little older, i.e points of articulation that would be more realistic but didn't come with the set? When animating they could have a slight stoop, after all, they're old.
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sure ill do whatever you want but do you mean ball joints or something else??


only one more left (what should i work on next ?)




btw you should really try to get some people working on other parts of the game so when the models are ready you can just stick them in ( such as game play and such mabye try using the toa models from next gen i just really think that part should get started )

please reply to this^ :begging:


oh and mosm is this what you meant with the eyes: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/816136s/...jeects/eyes.jpg


No double commenting! -Sumi

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PM me if you would like mr to help with sound, I am a DJ for the record...........


Edit: in a while I will audition for sound roles, Lewa, Makuta, Jaller, I need to get my Grandpa to help me with that.

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nui jaga ! ( wip ) : http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/816136s/.../nuijagapic.jpg


matau ! ( sorry about glare ): http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/816136s/...eects/matau.jpg


:) we are starting to get some work done all turaga 3 toa and 95% of a rahi


after alot of work finishing these ( toa, turaga, matoran, and rahi) then we can start land scape ( this should be easier ) :P


edit: and finished jaga !: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/816136s/...cts/nuijaga.jpg

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I have talent in creating instrumental music. I'm actually a musician.

If you want to know more, PM me.


:tohu: NT out

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