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Bionicle: Year One - Characters, Levels, And Bosses



In B:Y1, levels will be accessed via the Kini-Nui menu. Each Toa will have separate levels, though the levels are somewhat like short episodes. Each will include Rahi enemies, and if it's viable, a boss-Rahi at the end.


Each Toa will have separate powers to start with. These include elemental powers (these do basically the same thing, though the effects are different) and their mask powers. Starting with one mask (their primary mask), they will gain more powers as they go through levels and find the masks hidden in those levels. Noble Masks will be hidden as well.


Each Toa has a "special ability", which will be accessed by pressing the same button for each character. There should be a limit on how much a Toa can use these - after all, we don't want them abused.


Master of Shadow Matoran has kindly supplied a WIP list. My notes are bracketed and bolded.


TAHU: Can walk on lava, and loses his Life Energy half as fast as the other characters. [i think surfing on lava might be better.]


KOPAKA: When he hits an enemy that isn't a boss, the enemy is stunned/frozen for three-to-five seconds.


LEWA: Can double-jump.


GALI: Can swim, and therefore cross water. [We probably should have this ability for anyone with a Kaukau, 'cept Pohatu. :P]


POHATU: Can go into a PowerRun-mode, which gives him the ability to escape from an enemy quickly.


ONUA: Can use his claws to smash or lift pieces of the environment.


If possible, it will automatically save progress at the end of each episode.


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Just to get your attention:

What We Need Right Now (AKA MoSM´s suggestions part XXVI):


Red is for script writers, blue is for gameplay designers, green is for Sumiki.


Sumiki, you update this blog entry, and go into details about each toa´s powers. We need to be able to find out about everything we´ve got so far, only by reading the entry.


We´ll need the same thing for the rahi/other enemies. Somebody have to think up some stats for each of these.


Then, once all this is cleared, we´ll need somebody to make a small MSPaint-logo for each item, obstacle or Rahi. It doesn´t have to be complicated, it could just be something like 'Red Circle=Nui Jaga'. Any volounteers?


That´s when we all start making levels, and send them to Sumiki, who will choose six (?) levels for each toa.


Afterwards, we make scripts for some cutscenes, to glue all these together. Add some dialouge, make sure it´s entirely canon.


The computer artists begins making textures and models already when the stats are finished.


So, what do you think? And what are we waiting for? :)


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*starts sweating*


Five pages of suggestions … *faints*


Nah, I'll do it, and I've been meaning to do it for some time. Today's no good, though, since I'll be tied up almost all day after 1:00 EST.

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I would participate in the level design, but the Paint program for Mac (called Paintbrush) does not load. I think it has to do with different versions of software.
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Okay, now ´ve got some suggestions for Rahi stats:



Seen in: Ta-Wahi, Le-Wahi, Po-Wahi, Onu-Wahi
HP: 7
Power: 2,5
Speed: 3
Agility: 2,5
Terrains: Ground, Ice
Atack: Direct (Sting)
Symbol: Purple Square


Seen in: Ta-wahi, Le-wahi
HP: 5
Power: 1,5
Speed: 4
Agility: 3
Terrains: Air
Attack: Projectile (Rocks?)
Symbol: Purple Circle


Seen in: Le-wahi, Ga-wahi
HP: 10
Power: 3
Speed: 2,5
Agility: 1
Terrains: Ground, Water, Ice, Air, Lava
Attack: Direct (Punch)
Symbol: Purple Triangle


Seen in: Ta-wahi, Le-wahi, Ga-wahi, Po-wahi, Onu-wahi
HP: 2
Power: 0,5
Speed: 3
Agility: 4
Terrains: Ground
Attack: Direct (Bite?)
Symbol: Red Square


Seen in: Le-wahi, Ga-wahi
HP: 3
Power: 1
Speed: 3
Agility: 2
Terrains: Underwater
Attack: Direct (Bite)
Symbol: Red Circle


Seen in: Ga-wahi
HP: 10
Power: 2,5
Speed: 4
Agility: 1
Terrains: Underwater
Attack: Direct (Bite)
Symbol: Red Triangle


Seen in: Ta-wahi
HP: 5
Power: 1
Speed: 3
Agility: 3
Terrains: Ground, Lava
Attack: Direct (?)
Symbol: Orange Square


Seen in: Ta-wahi, Ko-wahi, Le-wahi, Ga-wahi, Po-wahi, Onu-wahi
HP: 3
Power: X
Speed: 0,5
Agility: 0,5
Terrains: Ground, Ice, Water
Other: Does not attack, but flees at random instead when you go near them.
Symbol: Orange Circle


Seen in: Le-wahi
HP: 10
Power: 3
Speed: 4
Agility: 3
Terrains: Air
Attack: Projectile (Rocks?)
Symbol: Orange Triangle


Seen in: Ta-wahi, Ko-wahi, Le-wahi, Ga-wahi, Po-wahi, Onu-wahi
HP: 4
Power: 0,5
Speed: 3
Terrains: Ground, Ice
Attack: Projectile (Web?)
Other: Can walk on sideways surcfaces – trees, walls, etc.
Symbol: Blue Square


And a rough outline of a tutorial level. Here´s an explanation:


Yellow Box: Textbox. When PLAYER goes here, text appears on-screen (possibly accompagnied by a voice reading it?).
Grey Box W. Rounded Corners: An object.
Brown/Red Circle: Kanohi.
Green Arrow: PLAYER Start Position.




OBJECT I: Onua´s Toa Canister


TEXTBOX I: Hold on! That´s Hoto Bugs - They´re Rahi! Wild animals that you need to defeat in order to go on. Press >< to use your Meele Attack.


TEXTBOX II: Well Done! But we can´t pass here - a Large Rock is blocking the way! Press >< to use your Kanohi Mask - the Pakari gives you strength to smash it.


OBJECT II: Large Rock


TEXTBOX III: Great! You used your Pakari to get through! You can collect more Kanohi Masks to gain special powers. But wait! There´s a Nui Rama! It´s a Rahi, but this one´s stronger - and it´s flying! Press >< to use your elemental Power and hit it!


Light Blue Door opens when Nui-Rama is defeated.


KANOHI I: Black Huna


TEXTBOX IV: Amazing! A few minutes on the island, and you´ve already discovered a Noble Kanohi Mask! This is the Kanohi Huna, and it gives you the power of Invisibility.


Light Green Door opens when Black Huna is found.


Obviously, it would start with a cutscene to explain the backstory, but you get the idea, right? We´ll have to add more game elements later, such as obtainable health, etc., but this is only to demonstrate the concept. ;)




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Here's a text outline for onua card #2. Rewards of Victory.



Characters (Rough draft):


Seen in: Onu-Koro
HP: 10
Power: 4
Speed: 1
Agility: 3
Terrains: Ground
Attack: Direct (Claw)
Symbol: Black square


Seen in: Onu-Koro
Power: N/A
Speed: N/A
Agility: N/A
Terrains: Ground
Attack: N/A
Symbol: gray diamond

Ussal Champion

Seen in: Onu-Koro
HP: 15
Power: 3 
Speed: 5
Agility: 4
Terrains: Ground
Attack: Direct(Claw)
Other: Attacks when in range, runs forward, dodges.
Symbol: gray arrow


Seen in: Onu-Koro
HP: 12
Power: 5 
Speed: 4
Agility: 3
Terrains: Ground
Attack1:Elemental(Obstacles disintegrate)
Attack2: Environmental(Ground tremors)
Symbol: Black arrow




PLAYER Walks to Whenua


TEXTBOX I:"Press (key) To Interact.


WHENUA: "You look like a toa. However, to be sure, I must test you. Beat the Ussal champion and we'll let you in."


PLAYER Walks to Ussal and becomes Onua(Ussal).


Race begins


TEXTBOX II: "Use the arrow keys to get to the finish line. Use (key) to destroy barriers, and (other key) to knock your opponent off Balance! But remember to keep on track!"


PLAYER wins race, becomes Onua.


WHENUA:"So you are a toa. Come in the city."

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I've got some ideas (again):


Tahu: Lavasurfing IS better. I picture Tahu standing near a stone edge next to a lava pool. You press the special ability button, and he cuts off a part of the edge, which falls into the lava, Tahu jumps onto it, and it's time to surf.

Lewa: If the "second jump" in the double-jump is some sort of a power jump, as pictured on some of the cards mentioned elsewhere, it would be awsome!

About Gali: Yeah, they should all be able to swim ('xcept Pohatu), only they should be able to swim without Kaukau. Diving, on the other hand. Pohatu should be able to jump into water and walk on the bottom when wearing a Kaukau, or to get across water, he just power-runs over. When it comes to what Gali should have as her ability: I just remembered that in an early BIONICLE comic book, she said she could create rivers (or maybe creeks or something) anywhere, maybe this could be an option? Or maybe she should be able to make it rain? EDIT: She said, Quote: "...where there is moisture, I can make a flood!" so, something like that.


I hope this will (also) be of help. - dann494

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