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Cat's Game - February Edition

Lazzy the Spazzy


I'm starting a new blog project. Each month I'll post nine links to topics/stories/blogs that I highly recommend. Included with that will be a "game" of sorts (where the name of this entry comes from).


First, I'll introduce the nine topics, and then the rules of the game below.


1 - Renowned Outstanding BZP Citizen, Master Artist and Writer, and overall Nice Person Lady Kopaka is now offering commissions. If you're feeling like having one of your story characters or RPG characters or a random something put onto paper and professionally drawn, mosey on over to her blog for more details.


2 - The Short Stories Critics Club is desperately in need of new critics to help review stories. If you're up to being an official story reviewer, go and sign up and help out this dwindling club.


3 - Bionicle stories not for you? That's okay, because the sister guild to the SS Critics Club, the Completely Off Topic Stories Guild, deals with stories set in non-Bionicle worlds and eras. You'll be sure to find some stories that are more to your liking there.


4 - Don't want to take up a job you may not be able to handle? How about just reading one story for now? OBZPC and former COT RPG Judge Robo Devil is embarking on a huge task to chronicle the classic tale Les Miserables...in a Bionicle setting. Check out this amazingly awesome epic.


5 - Don't like reading? That's okay, because this topic won't require a large attention span. BZPower members are currently voting for what they think should be the primary color for the element of Gravity. That's right, this'll be made canon. If you think your vote can still make a difference, go over to the poll and take the second or two to state your opinion.


6 - Speaking of voting, there's another contest currently going on, and this one is canon too! Vote for a bird entry you think should be made a canon Bara Magna species in the IDBM #3 forum!


7 - Just want to play? RPGs are next, specifically the BZPRPG. A long-running RPG that's seen the entire Bionicle legacy through, the big guy could nevertheless use some fresh RPers to spice the playing field up.


8 - The Star Wars RPG is a shrinking RPG, with only a few active players keeping the fire burning. We fans kept the Star Wars legacy alive for twenty years in between trilogies, we can keep this RPG alive no problem!


9 - Is RPing too tough for you? That's okay, because with the RPG Radio Live you can just listen to people discussing RPGs! Check in when they broadcast their next episode and show your support!


Now you may have found a link or two that's already caught your interest, but if you can't decide or don't care enough to visit all of them, here's the game.


Below you'll see a TicTacToe grid that's been filled in. Each "X" or "O" has a link to one of the above topics. Click on one of the grids, and they'll take you to a random topic. The rules of the game, however, dictate that you must give the topic you've randomly chosen, a look over. Skim it, participate or subscribe to it if you're interested enough. My hope is that this will encourage interaction among BZPower members and increase awareness on what other members are doing. Who knows, maybe you'll make a new friend. So wave your mouse over a square and click! =3


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Recommended Comments

For this month I picked topics I was involved in and wanted to advertise, but sure, you can submit stuff. I may or may not use it for next month's game though.


Out of curiosity, which link did you pick? =]

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Sweeett. I guarantee you'll like the program, the broadcasts are nice. You can even listen to the first episode if you have the time. Have fun on [the rest of] your trip!


EDIT: Since the Naruto RPG has been closed, I've changed its option to the BZPRPG.

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